There's a scene in the trailer for season 5 that makes it clear Palpatine's hunting down the renegade Maul during the season (~2:35). He fights Maul and Opress at the same time (probably on Mandalore).
There's a scene in the trailer for season 5 that makes it clear Palpatine's hunting down the renegade Maul during the season (~2:35). He fights Maul and Opress at the same time (probably on Mandalore).
There have been a few episodes that have really hammered home the Anakin that turns on a dime when it's something he thinks that he and he alone has to do for a "greater good." The Mortis arc ( is one example that comes to mind.
That's fair, I suppose. I haven't seen the commentary and can only rely on the source article.
"Tore up and crashed" doesn't mean the same thing as "got thrown into," at least as far as I know. I don't think you can "crash" a parked plane.
That does look like a Harrier, but the verbage (tore up and crashed) doesn't indicate that it's that one he's talking about at all.
The jet that the Hulk tore up and crashed was the same one from the film True Lies.
I thought the same thing (I had a PS2 for RPGs), but honestly both the 360 (Lost Odyssey, FF#) and Wii (Xenogears, Last Story) have been (IMO) better for RPGs this gen than PS3.
I'm not calling Canabalt a genre (the free runner as a game existed before Canabalt, I'm sure), but specifically the notes of:
And... that's pretty much what the article above says.
Don't you mean "deathfinitly" interested?
It looks like it takes a lot of cues from Canabalt.
I enjoyed Voyager more the first time I watched the series, but I think DS9 is more re-watchable. Voyager was very serial (even though DS9 had a pretty-much single-target plotline towards the end, too) and relied more on twists to move its story forward. I think that on second watchings of both series, it came down to…
Just enjoy your way through it; DS9 gets best towards the last few seasons (as does Voyager). It's an entirely different tone than Voyager has, despite their similar broadcast timelines.
Do you read what people write, or only the parts you want to argue with? I said that there's nothing wrong with having passion for the show. Your particular rant is a non-issue, though, as I assume you don't have a problem with abbreviations as a form of speech.
You can see if you link through to the video, but it's the DCAU "Crisis on Two Earths."
Don't make it a "oh poor defenseless me" issue , when all I'm doing is mocking the tone of your post, not telling you to leave. And don't misconstrue me - I support your passion for a series. What I think is silly is the whining with regards to people calling Star Trek: The Next Generation (or any other Star Trek…
See Owlman @ ~1:00
It's a story, one way or another. The great thing about stories is that they're not real, and we can simply enjoy them for telling a tale.
Oh man, remember when everyone flew off the handle when someone was like "have you read/watched Title [omission of subtitle]?" That was hilarious. Oh, that's just you? Nevermind, then.
Your argument is circular reasoning - "the evidence that exists seems to be in conflict with other evidence, so I choose to ignore one set of evidence." Both sets of movies exist. Both are set in the same universe. The job of the viewer is to reconcile the two wherever they seem to conflict.