
Except - isn't that a testament to the good job "The Clone Wars" authors are doing? The whole (well, one of them) problem with the prequels is that it didn't give Anakin a believable fall from grace, because he never really appeared to be a hero. "The Clone Wars" does a good job of presenting him in a pretty

You'll use your intercom later on; it's used in a similar fashion as your holocomm is used now.

I've seen his Abrams Trek review, and - maybe it's just my memory failing me here - but it felt like a lot of it was revisiting complaints he had with movies he'd already reviewed, and then saying "but this doesn't do that."

Are you suuure about that?

Motion capture is, ipso facto, filmed in 3D. A 2D motion capture print would be worthless. It's also not part of the final render - it's data ported in to make the animations of the final rendered models look good.

I've enjoyed pretty much every one of this guy's reviews - they're funny and often insightful. However, it's easy to be as consistently negative and critical as he is. I'd like to see him make an insightful, positive review of a film (without it simply being a "this film is good because it's not this other film, which

Technology doesn't change because it's a fantasy realm with the trappings of sci-fi. Just like every fantasy realm, Star Wars exists in a magic-imbued universe with a stagnant sociological/technological culture.

Kreia was pretty clearly painted as a Darksider - remember the end of the game? The whole I'm a Sith and lightning and I'm allied with main bad guy and blah blah blah.

I'm playing a Jedi fairly by-the-books, but even in-character I felt bad about the two Padawan lovers on Tython. I had no problem with needing to report them for breaking the rules, but chiding them for a relationship apropos of nothing felt bad.

Let's just pretend that Tom Paris got promoted to captain and everyone lightened up a little, had a little fun.

He may be talentless, but I think the "Aussie accent" thing is overblown. None of them are speaking Greek or using a Greek accent, so why do we care what wrong accent they have?

You may want to check your inbox - while you may not have input your early access code in time to get the earliest of access, Amazon looks to be shipping all their copies out early to make sure that everyone's gets in on time. I had a preorder there with release-date shipping, and it now has a scheduled arrival of the

Great shot, kid, that was one in a million!

In all fairness, it looks like the design was based on the Jersey Devil, which was also the source of the team's name:

"Voice actors are real people with real schedules"

You can't simply make half the game for half the price, especially if it's supposed to be cinematic or story-driven. If you simply removed all the re-use of assets and padded time/gameplay, you'd have a game that cost just as much as the game that it was stripped down from.

Was that guy an Advozse the whole time? Or is it different for the Empire?

There may be many things wrong with society, but the fact that we are making our entertainment - note: our entertainment, not our education - more available and accessible; this is not one of those many things.

And if you write a fantasy book about pandas, you may be at risk of approaching some kind of kitsch asymptote:

Do you mean my very excellent mother who just happened to have served us nine pizzas?