That's not a cheeseburger. This is a cheeseburger.
That's not a cheeseburger. This is a cheeseburger.
Yeah, that was my playthrough too. That was a tough one to get, but I knew that I wanted to let Loghain off himself and it just felt jarring (given my previously friendly relationship with Alistair) to have Alistair do the 180 he would normally do whenever you showed mercy to Loghain.
Not sure if you're being serious:
"Stroll on Tatooine" gets me because you can tell the artist is a big Star Wars fan - he has the Ithorian carrying a potted plant.
Community validation is worth everything when you're making work that you ultimately plan on releasing. It's one thing to say that maybe this particular team might have liked a little less publicity if it meant that they got to publish their work, but saying something like "it'd be better if these mods didn't see [X…
Spoken like someone who's never worked on a mod (which probably sounds harsher than I intend it to be - this isn't a sleight against you). Ever try making something large-scale and for free? The only currency mod makers like this are paid in is community validation. Without some kind of community support, there's no…
Not to be that guy, but these have been around for years. Sonic has them on their menu, too.
They weren't monsters, though - just old Mr. Jenkins from the trading post.
Not exactly a sci-fi show, but definitely a good example of a random death.
So it's clear that as long as Regent Janeway is around, we're going to hit the old Reset Button next season. No biggie.
I actually just installed it this past week and started playing. Every PC is different, but it seemed like a couple of straightforward fixes were all that was necessary.
Did you mix up the hyperlinks to the "creative" and "uncomfortable" images? #corrections?
The first one (Full Frontal Nerdity) and then the one with the Stargate (RealLife) were the only ones that seemed a little more than the standard gaming comic. Either one of those would be nice to see as an addition. A couple of the others just felt pandering.
It isn't correct. Rather than just looking at the image that's clearly just a portion of the list (Hey, Modern Warfare's not there either!), click through to the actual list linked to at the bottom of the article.
And let me tell you about sand - I hate sand. It's coarse and it's rough and...
You had me right up until your car analogy diverged from your gamer explanation. If being a "driver" requires only the ability to drive and a car and license, why does being a "gamer" require more than playing every once in a while (e.g. "on social media sites because it's fast and free")? If you're still a "driver"…
Yeah, in act II it was all of a giveaway.
I'm not sure if you're criticizing her native Aussie accent or not, but - well, there it is.
Looks like the wampas got to your HTML.
It may be the first time for upgrading weapons, per se, but the Oracle games had a pretty robust set of items with the rings, and they had multiple levels of effect. That would be a fun kind of thing to see in one of the larger-scope Zelda games, but I doubt that they'll follow up on that.