
1) Jennifer Lawrence is clearly joking around because she's laughing as she does it (and immediately afterwards).

We gay men are faultless, haven't you heard? We exist only to be a lady's magical sassy shopping companion so we can't be misogynists. Hooray!

It's clearly the gay man's gaze anyway. Though I still watched the fuck out of it. Those butts!

Is it bad that I recognized it as an andrew christian video right away? (I may have watched it before)

We should probably go tell them. How else will they know that they are fat and disgust us?!!

Jesus Unholy Fuck, doldrums. Go read some books on anthropology and economics.

I didn't want to go down the fighting about Jenna blackhole. But I agree with you. THE FACE.

Don't be so negative, feminazis! Things are looking up!

They are coming. Please do not feed the trolls and drag that crap up from the grey.

None of this would have happened if those boys didn't rape them. The end.

Oh c'mon! Crystal did it first....YEARS AGO....drunk....and topless! : )


Good gosh, she looks the same. I really hope they do an homage to the lesbian/leather/motorcycle dance routine from Showgirls.

"I've gotten drunk before and never been raped, she should be more careful"

I''ve heard that exact line from guys smaller than 7 inches... And I've had bigger than 7 inches. And I think all the ladies can agree that inches don't REALLY matter, it's just how well you can stop thinking about black penises in bed.

You have to jump at opportunities! When I saw that he had XL condoms I remember thinking "Have I really found the foot that fits this glass slipper?!"