No kidding! :P
No kidding! :P
Fist bump for that amazingly correct BMP measure.
Dat “La cucaracha” horn, though.
Cause it’s so NASTY.
“it took Nissan a few tries to get their GT-Rs to not explode when accelerating as quickly”
Where can I read more about this?
Proofread, for fuck’s sake.
Molten medal? Asany?
“That drunk bitch threatened to take my life over tacos, and I was mad as all hell. ”
This. Oh, gawd. This sentence has life of its own. Love it.
“But... like, that’s why I came here? What are you trying to say? That I won’t eat dolphin today?”
TIL Mach 3.2 equals 3920.096 kilometers per hour. O_o
Dem wheel arches. Dear gawd, those things are sexy!
And what what? I just posted in case someone else like me didn’t know what you were saying. Is that so bad?
Plural form of ministration, (mĭnˌĭ-strāˈshən)
Yep. Japan is wonderfully weird.
I concur. The only downside is the several premiums we have to pay for franchises. Lego + Disney + Star Wars.
I know, right? It sort of auto cancelled itself right there, but somehow... it didnt’. O_o
That body highlight sequence at 0.40 is so hot. Thanks for sharing.