
The UK invented gerrymandering to stop the Irish in Northern Ireland from having a voice.

Wait.. So you’ll sit in a big bowl of your own filth and stew for a bit?

No, I read blogs that don’t proofread and if I’m drunk I might make a comment.
I also don’t get up early. I live in the GMT time zone so most of my commenting is midday to night time...
But sure, you do sound like a barrel of laughs.

I was pretty hammered when I read this, excuse the profanity.

It took here almost a minute to disable it.

Have your beliefs and stuff but by god, I didn’t realise that somebody could be hit by a “stupid stick” so much and survive.

Àh cool. I’m not entirely familiar with the ins and outs but I get what you mean. Cheers!

Couldn’t you liken glitching a game for a faster run to cheating then?

Check out Mr. Church. Fantastic performance and an excellent story. Real heart wrenching emotions felt watching it.

Plot twist: Stan Lee is in witness protection but sucks at it, hence why he’s all over the world and in different jobs.

Creme de Cassis isn’t weird. You just add it to wine to make a Kir.

Maaaaaan, Win10 is the biggest hassle and it’s got terrible security features. I spent about half an hour today installing updates and putting up with this pain in the ass.

You’re not trying to understand, you’re just being an ass.

Just tell much money I need to throw at you.

It’s like rain on your wedding day...

I can only describe these trailers as “pants sh*ttingly amazing”, and yes Fox, if you’re reading this, you absolutely can quote me on that.

To find its age; cut in half and count the rings.

I would absolutely love, love, love, if Zoom was... Wait for it.. Earth-2 Barry Allen. IMAGINE THE LOOK ON HIS FACE WHEN HE’S UNMASKED.

Barry lost his speed in season one. Maybe it’s all in his head, why do the all have such terrible memories and reasoning?

Couple of small problems with the episode: