Mattie Silver

double post

Yeah, same. I almost wish my childhood home team didn’t win as often as they do, because it’d make it that much easier for me to stop being a hypocrite and give up on watching football entirely.

It’s a good thing Eric Garcetti is nice to look at, and also a good thing for him that that’s the only thing that matters to Los Angeles voters, because he’s a fucking terrible mayor.

I’m a native Milwaukeean who loves the Brewers and would say no, he wasn’t a great commissioner. Most of his “improvements” to the game were made in an attempt to help his Brewers out, like the wild card coming into play not long after the Brewers went 92-70 with an outstanding team in 1992 and missed the playoffs

As a Las Vegas resident, I’m looking forward to traveling to LA for the games and not having to deal with the direct consequences of LA hosting the games after they’re over.

I sure am glad the Brewers ran Ned Yost out of town after he led them to their first playoff berth in 26 years way back when!

It is! I’m glad I found a way to work one of their songs into a pithy Internet comment.

Contrary to that one Killers song, McCain is a soldier, but has no soul.

Thanks for gracing us with your presence, Tom.

I mean, hey, Stalin was like 5'6, Kanye is 5'8, and every other leading man in Hollywood is somewhere between 5'7 and 5'10. Contrary to what my fellow vertically challenged people (5'7 here with a heel collection to rival Imelda Marcos) seem to think, being shorter than an NBA center doesn’t automatically doom you to

I really love how half of Trump’s lackeys look like supporting characters from My Cousin Vinny. Go all out if you’re a comic book villain from New York City, I guess.

Brett Favre will get another call before Kaepernick.

If the UFL still existed, they’d be all over Kaepernick. Too bad the UFL went up in flames, just like every other American competitor to the NFL with some C-list talent attached to it.

That’s why I brought up native advertising. Who actually expects MTV News to be some beacon of journalistic integrity? Why bother pretending? Just go the Cosmopolitan route, get a channel on Snapchat’s “Discover” thingamabob, and post shitty animations of music notes coming out of Chance the Rapper’s mouth all day

Golden State(and Miami, etc) aren’t winning “legitimately” the way Jordan did.

Speaking as someone who used to work for a ‘news’ organization heavily weighed down by conflicts of interest and an absolute unwillingness to report on even mildly negative news and left after an article of mine got rejected as “good, but we don’t want to make (BRAND PARTNER) upset” for the tenth time, I don’t get why

Some Reeses own PCs. Others use Macs.

I have fond memories of Jermichael’s flashes of brilliance for the Pack. Sucks that he had to end his career so early, but it was the right choice for him.

Drew probably listened to Kokomo once and determined that the Beach Boys were a shitty band.

For the longest time at my local Wendy’s (I assume the prices are the same everywhere except airports, but whatever), two small chilis cost less than a large chili. Felt like I was getting one over on The Man every time.