Holy shit, I thought that was a Mr. Show sketch until the end
Holy shit, I thought that was a Mr. Show sketch until the end
I think I found the inefficiency in the market...
Has anyone thrown out a “he’s too dominant to be popular” hot take?
Going with the age approach, Paranoid has a full 10 years of play time on Back in Black, but might be hurt by having it’s initial release limited to vinyl.
My working theory is that he’s been injured a majority of the year so far, up until a few weeks ago. That’s why he looks so much better now, but is still getting winded near the end of games.
I was going to ask the same thing.
Too much is going to be made of his Champions League performances, which largely are greater than the results other than one or two matches. Tournaments are just too dependent on luck.
The most annoying thing about the British media right now is all of them pretending like they didn’t grind every available axe against Ranieri during his time at Chelsea. They all picked Leicester for the drop, and now they’re sticking their noses up his ass like they weren’t the ones calling for it to get kicked to…
That doesn’t sound like an excuse, it sounds like a perfectly valid reason for why a team that was hyped up had a really disappointing and listless series.
Nah, all that seems to be good for is mocking people for expressing an opinion different from their own.
I mean, first of all I didn’t say that I think that Brad Stevens isn’t a good coach. I merely meant that I couldn’t see it with the limited input of that one playoff series. Second of all, I admitted straight up that I have very little experience watching them.
So I have relatively little experience watching the Celtics this year, but I did watch every game they’ve played against the Hawks, and I can’t say I’m impressed with Stevens as a coach.
Small issue with using expected goals to say that Spurs were better this year:
Yeah this is pretty much right.
Rule 8.01 (D)
You can’t balk if there aren’t runners on base.
At some point, people need to realize that Australia just doesn’t want us there, right?
Look, I respect your passion for this, but 1) you’re projecting a lot of feelings onto what was originally a very straightforward comment from me and 2) you (and Berneko’s) willingness to draw an us vs. them line in the sand over what counts as progressive or not is part of why you’re losing this primary.
I didn’t say he doesn’t represent anybody or have policies that are best for anybody, I’m merely pointing out that a certain portion of the electorate isn’t voting for him. Again, you’re projecting a lot of feelings onto what was a very straightforward comment.