Houser's Grey Madder

A friend of my wife sent me a message Monday night. It's time for the raid it said. I joined his fire team at Lvl 27 to meet him at 26 and 2 of his friend 25 and 26. I said this makes only 4 of us and you guys are woefully unprepared. I sent out messages to anyone on my friends list and of all of them only 1, whom I

He replied to me with that first clip you sent me shortly before you did. Me dum dum stoopid


Haha, thought that was a little harsh but now it's a funny. Thanks!


Look. See. Focus.

I'm not ashamed to say I love Destiny. I don't get all the hate. How the hell could anyone say it was a wasn't 60 bucks worth of a game! It's still got me hooked and I haven't even done the raid yet.

Hit me up my name is worthington on PS4.

If you are on PS4 and need someone to help just let me know. My dumb friends have stopped playing it and I'm just getting to the point where I could get through it.

I'm not sure but I think that Oprah picture might be racist.

It's depressing how many greens I've gone through.

If they could hot fix the loot cave out, why can't they hot fix this in now?

I really like this game, but that goddam Cryptarch is a fucking troll.

I have put enough hours in to be a Lvl 25 and I have not once had a legendary drop once. Not once. I also have not had a single good item drop during or as a reward for a mission or strike.

Think of the children Stephen!

I am completely ashamed to admit I would buy Destiny Dance DLC.

I was also thinking about it today, I really like sandwiches. I give them a 9/10

I love the dancing but I wish you unlock Legendary dance moves. There should be dance engrams.

Tyler, I may or may not have said this before, but FA is my favorite of all Gawker Media. If I haven't told you this yet, I'm sorry, I've been meaning to.

If it's true reverse, an old person crawls back into your uterus and then absorbs you.