Peeple be stewpid?
Peeple be stewpid?
Not a fanboy here, I think this game couldn't get out of the way of its own hype. I was hoping for an epic story but what I got was above average shooting and a gorgeous world. It really is good but it's not what they promised.
Good bye old plans for the night, hello new one.
It was just 2, but it was over and over again.
My friend, if you only knew how many nights of dishes and putting the kids down by myself to get that PS4 I did, then you would know that the only way you are getting this one is to pull it from my cold dead hands.
NEEDED: 3-5 people on PS4 who would be willing to escort me through this raid. You can expect 800 deaths each while I hide behind pillars and do nothing.
I'm hungry now.
Tina, you guys are the best. I have never once been to reddit and I don't even know what a subreddit is. Thank you for your posts.
Tina, you guys are the best. I have never once been to reddit and I don't even know what a subreddit is. Thank you for your posts.
oh ma god
No one like a braggart Tina.
Hit me up if you want to play tomorrow on PS4. The name is Worthington.
Read it again dude.
You just blew my mind dude.
I thought it was an actual landfill, not virtual.
I just want Destiny! Give it to me NOW dammit!!!!!!!
I had one for a while. I liked that it made me forget a little that I was having to use a cane.
oh snap!
oh snap!
Thank you, this is awesome!