
This is what Guild Wars 2 players did before the game implemented its own LFG system. There was a website where you could create a group ticket for the dungeon you wanted, and others could search for it.

This is, like ... Darwinian. We are going to spawn the Doomsday of aimbots, mark my words.

You'll still have to unlock the high-level armours before you can wear them, and people are still going to gravitate towards those models because they're more prestigious.

Fallout Online?

It doesn't even make good porn. You've gotta lead up to the hot stuff, son. But no, straight out of the gate it's all "calibrate my junk, Shepard."

Here's a tip: if you're writing what amounts to fan fiction, but would still like to be taken seriously as an author, maybe don't make the first actual bit of content in your book (following the 9 pages of introduction) a scene where two of the main characters gasp and sensuously fondle each other's bare chests.

"Spartan Assault is still as close as you can get to playing Halo without a first person view"

I think these are mostly just the gamers that you see the most of, because they're the ones who take to the message boards to complain. Content gamers are quiet.

Yeah I remember playing a demo of this that was primarily a jetpack level, and it was amazing. Even the vertical combat didn't suck, it just wasn't nearly as fun as flying free.

I wish they'd done more with the remixing mechanic. It only gets used a handful of times in the whole game, and at least one of them was repeated. They could have integrated it more with the plot as well. If your goals had been less nebulous, the remixes could have been more strategic and less reactionary.

I think a lot of what you say is -potentially- true of Connor on paper, but in execution it all takes on a different tone.

Hi Tam!

Well he doesn't get invited to parties! Shows what you know, asshole!

Honestly, it sounds like the stem cells worked perfectly. The dumb doctors squirted some calcium in there without thinking it through, so the stem cells just started .... building bone. The little guys did their job well. It's not their fault the work-order was wrong.

More like unicorn LIAR! AMIRIGHT!?

I don't care if that's the cover art, in my head that's not even close to what a GSV looks like.

I didn't even have to read this post to know that there would be a Star Trek quote in the comments. I'm so proud of all of you.

Yeah, you're right, millionaire and multiple Tony/Grammy/Oscar-award-winning, world-famous composer Steven Sondheim really doesn't get enough recognition when compared to a cult internet miniseries.

I've never really gotten the argument that "loophole-driven" FTL would produce causality violations. I mean yes, traveling faster than light implies traveling backwards in time, that's obvious. But the whole -point- of wormholes and warp drives and hyperspace and whatnot is that you're not really -moving- faster than

I totally disagree that "it feels as though [Moffat is] telling stories about plot devices, rather than using the plot devices to tell a story." The entire reason why there were plot holes in this episode is because Moffat needed to massage the jargon into the right shape for the characters' story to exist. He didn't