
All of the new episodes are on youtube. A lot of the old ones are too, but some have been deleted.

Someone watched QI last week.

Niven's work in general is awesome because of this. Like, in Ringworld, he tries to be pretty hard about the mechanics of the Puppeteer fleet, or the Ringworld itself, but he also throws in a million soft-science doodads like teleporters and reactionless drives.

I wish they'd done this 5 or 10 years ago. Nathan Fillion would have been perfect, but he's put on a few too many pounds by now, I think.

I'm not really complaining about that. The actress who played her was super annoying.

Is it just me, or are you missing a bunch of TV shows? I don't see any Warehouse 13 or Alphas or Futurama on there. And only 1 True Blood.

You're welcome .... but you're wrong.

I'm betting good money that that's what happens right after this clip cuts off. "Take me off display" probably means that she's switching from a public screen to some kind of embedded audio/video implant.

Well, see, there are these things called children ....

I'm totally down with cybernetic implants ..... but this guy looks like a frigging moron.

"The same thing has happened time and time again with various technologies through the ages."

I wonder if the Guardians movie will feature Nova at all. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that he's been the best cosmic character of the last decade. And since he isn't getting any love in the comics right now, I'd love to see him on the big screen.