Good evening everyone!
Good evening everyone!
I've had many of these conversations over the past several months. And I've been trying to sharpen my perspective on this problem, the problem of the "how do I help," question. I offer these comments with compassion and great respect for your commitment to children and families:
Just help. Just do what your…
1. Every male should have a vasectomy. EVERYONE. Got 2 kids? Get it done. Just got married? Get it done. 13 years old? GET IT DONE.
Yes it is.
Nah. Definitely not the worst.
Whenever you're learning something new, it's always handy to have a friend to help you practice. For Alexis the…
Well, if you want to get super-pedantic, he went on an insane rampage, was apprehended, and then masturbated, so the rampage itself was not masturbatory at all according to the reports.
Do you work at like an Amish school or something?
I'm technically 40. But I vote like a 25 year-old. Does that count?
Did you vote yesterday? Are you under 30? Well, congratu-fucking-lations. You are among the few and the proud.
Oh god
When I was in college, my roommate and I went to some Halloween party with a girl from our dorm. The next morning, she comes walking up to the common area still in her eighties-prom outfit. We asked her where she ended up staying the night...she lifts up her dress to reveal her yellow thighs and says "Bart Simpson…
Barbecue is really good, if you're into that sort of thing. On the other hand, racism is not good, even and…
You know, I think I am more offended by the expectation of an unpaid maid than an unpaid sex slave. Cause there is a small chance the sex slave might derive pleasure from it. There is zero chance anyone will get off cleaning for no pay.
The most frequent one I see is men who say they have a room for rent and they talk about the room and everything is going great and then suddenly at the end they'll sneak in a bit about how they're willing to rent the room in exchange for "massage" rather than cash.
Worried that he'll try to get fresh with you in the middle of the night? Please, don't flatter yourself. He has…
Original article discusses flaccid penises. I was also surprised as some men are growers, but who am I to question science?
You're going to read this, and you're going to say, how is this about tech? I'm gonna head you off at that pass:…