
Close, but no cigar.

I didn't paint anything in a negative light. I own that stamp, and I think it's really cool. I also think these Finnish stamps are pretty cool and would love to get a set. I also own two different editions of the first appearance of Superman and introduce it in my classes every year. You also assume that I'm not gay

Wow. Everything that you said, right back at you. I, too, still often feel conflicted about not transitioning (and as presenting as more or less masculine), and am very conscious of the fact that my partner and I pass as a "normal, straight couple" and therefore enjoy all sorts of privileges (including the privilege

Superman was the first superhero to wear brightly colored tights. (Well, Lee Falk's "The Phantom" was actually wearing tights a couple years before Superman was, but the Phantom didn't have superpowers and his tights were fairly subdued compared to Superman's bright blue and red.) We've become inured to seeing

Hmm... I would like to think that's not true. (I know at least one author who cares, and she was the one who gave me the impression authors could now more easily dismiss trolls.) A more generous view might be that they are just too busy to look through the comments on all their articles while at the same time working

I thought the new Kinja system (or is it Jezebel rules I'm thinking of?) made it easier for authors to dismiss/silence trolls. And yet the top response here is a massive and irrelevant troll that goes on forever. Can't Phoenix or another author just axe that whole thread?

Japan, too, requires a person to be physically incapable of reproduction by any means in order to legally change their gender.

Precisely what I thought when I saw the image and tried to reconcile it with the headline. SRS surgeon cosplays the Colonel?

On the one hand, sexualized postage stamps of any kind seems like an odd idea. On the other hand, nations throughout the world have been putting really odd things on stamps for decades. If this were the default stamp for a standard letter, I could understand people being uncomfortable, but it's obviously a

You have my apology. Yeah, the guy from Dead or Alive. I'm not sure if he was trying to make himself look like a woman, but all these cosmetics surgery addicts end up with the same, horrible, toad-like face, regardless of sex or gender.

Oh, I know the feeling. I used to tell people once in a while (when people would say something like, "Well, you're a man, so...") that I'm a lesbian born in a man's body. Most people took it as a joke and I didn't bother to disillusion them. The woman who is now my wife (a bisexual, cis-gendered bottom) was the first

Oh, if this were only true. I have heard MRA nonsense come from the mouths of college-educated men with white-collar careers. What a world it would be if education could cure stupid.

I have always been under the impression that Disney employees are among the most thoroughly and intensely trained in the world. I suppose the key word is "elderly." He probably got his training in 1965.

How's this for a cultural contrast. Whereas in the U.S., the concept of pulling the plug on someone declared brain dead is barely controversial (a handful of famous exceptions notwithstanding), and abortion is massively controversial, in Japan abortion is practically a non-issue, whereas the idea of defining "life" as

True. We need a lesbian with a mullet in there. And more folks who are so utterly normal looking that you would look right through them if you passed them on street. Because most folks in the world, including queer folks, look like that. And that's okay.

I thought I had seen this before (in a Ted talk), but this seems to be a different project. This is so fun. I suppose I see myself as a Soft Butch Lesbian Transwoman Passing As a Feminine Straight (Possibly Gay?) Man. It really messes with people's gaydar. "Are you gay?" "Yes, but not in the way you think I am."

It's seems to me not only possible or even likely but rather inevitable. These countries where Anglicans fiercely oppose any acceptance of homosexuality are not going to suddenly come around in the next decade and maybe not even in the next half century. And it has gotten to the point where Anglicans/Episcopalians in

Not exactly. This technology makes it possible to mold cells into the shape of a vagina. That is very different from directing cells to form into a functioning liver or kidney.

Trying to think of something I can do with "doggy bag" here, but I'm drawing a blank.

You would think two big corporations like Family Mart and Karaoke DAM could have sprung for a graphic designer to create an image of what the store would look like instead of having it done by Mr. Yamada in Accounting Because He Knows How to Use MS Paint.