
I think Twitter is trying to have it both ways. They want to be a major mainstream means of communications for everyone from people living under the threat of genocide to Beyonce. But they also want to make it easy for anyone to make an account with complete anonymity in under a minute. So you get corporate PR

It's the anonymity. Remove anonymity and reckless threats will decrease dramatically. Anonymity is essential for whistle blowers and people struggling against authoritarian regimes. It is not remotely essential for 99.999% of Twitter users. Most people make anonymous accounts for the express purpose of talking smack

Fantastic! Thank you. Yes, that's the first thing I thought: Jackie was from Pittsburgh! Too bad I'm on the wrong side of the planet and will miss this.

If this exhibit doesn't include pioneering African American cartoonist Jackie Ormes, it will be a massive omission.

Yes. No, wait. I'm married, too. Though my wife and I waited ten days after our first date to do the dirty. Plus, my wife was 36 and never married, and I was 47 and once divorced, so our experience is some kind of freak anomaly from the point of view of Susan Patton.

Actually, of those four things, the Bayeaux Tapestry is the only thing I have anything interesting to say about. It's a 70 meter long, embroidered comic strip depicting the Battle of Hastings! You have to admit that's pretty cool, no? (No?)

I married at the tender age of 22 (to a women who was 37) and apart from the fact that it resulted in my wonderful son (who is now 21 himself), it was one of the four biggest mistakes I ever made. I am now very happily married to mate number 2 (who I met at the age 47). I think people below the age of 28 are way too

What strikes me as odd is how boilerplate the essay is. It literally could have been written by any socially conservative, middle-aged woman at any time over the past forty years. There is nothing remotely new here. That she felt a need to speak up in the WSJ about this issue and that WSJ editors thought that would

That too.

My only directive for you is this: Never, ever listen to anyone who uses the term "P.C." because that is a DODO WORD ONLY FOR DODOS.

I share your disgust at a lot of these comments, but if you click the names of the worst offenders you'll find that most are not regular Jezzies but rather wandered in from darker corners of the Gawkersphere. By all means, direct your anger at the people saying shitty things, but "Fuck you jezebel, fuck you all to

I was messaging with her about this while she was waiting for her train to the airport. She is also traveling between countries today. She's a punctilious person, so I'm sure she has all of her t's crossed and i's dotted, but it sucks that trans* people are so often subjected to an extra layer of scrutiny.

Ugh. I hate it when Jezebal articles get highlighted on other Gawker sites and we have to put up with the cretinous commenters who follow the link like cockroaches. Here we have the utterly predictable smorgasbord of people who are 1) actively hostile to trans* people and will leap on any opportunity to spread their

Oh, but you do have an endlessly patient friend! And that friend's name is Google.

Are you serious? That's hilarious.

"Too long; didn't read" is the story of your life, and explains a great deal about you.

Do you wear earrings? I'm curious, because you seem to think that earrings are bad. Or maybe you just think they're bad for certain people. Maybe you think only people born without a Y chromosome should be allowed to wear earrings. Or people of a certain age.

Thanks, apebot. I did not know that! Japan has a lot of extremely shady "hook-up" sites, most of which have no intention of letting a "customer" (read: "mark") hook up with anyone. They simply keep him/her "chatting" with one of their operators while outrageous charges are rung up. Authorities keep closing them down,

Wow. They should. Maybe they do it in Japan because Japanese are much more wary of Internet fraud...?