
Oh, and then there's the times where you think you know her name but you have her mixed up with someone else.

Yes (again)! This (again)! Yes! But it's really awful when the other person just clams up and waits for you to introduce her! And I used to be so good with names. Middle age. Still, THIS is the technique I rely on, and most times it works.

Yes! This!

You are correct, and when I look carefully, that's exactly what I see. I guess I don't look carefully. I don't follow actors and celebrities and have trouble putting names to faces. Every time I see a photo of Taylor Swift, I forget what she looks like five minutes later. I'm not even sure what she does. As for

I think I've finally learned to distinguish her from Natalie Portman. And it only took me ten years.

Now playing

Ms. Coen in the staff meeting following the reaction to this article:

Hear, hear. Although Erin's piece on the sexting gyno was also well reported and well written. (Or did that precede Dunhamgate?)

The worst kind of Missing Stair.

I was a teen in the 80s. The underground was incredibly cool and fun in the 80s, but mainstream culture (and the way mainstream culture appropriated underground culture, such as punk and new wave) was pretty awful. Plus, Reagan. And Reaganites. Still, it was better than the 70s. LOL

Yes, that's exactly what I felt. The OP was not itself particularly controversial, but then things just spiraled into ugliness.

Thank you. It left a really bad taste in my mouth. The whole Dunham/Vogue thing really does seem to be the cynical ploy for clicks that it has been painted to be, but I think to some extent the Jezebel community is as much our responsibility as it is that of the editors and writers, and we did not look good in this

Wow. Did you have any idea your comment would result in...this? What a depressing stew of mean-spiritedness. One striking irony is the people who accuse of Erin of being mean writing far meaner things about her than Erin has ever written about anyone. (And, by the way, I loved Erin's piece on her childhood bully. That

Searching in vain for a single comment saying, "Way to go, Jez! Way to go, Coen! Ya dun good! That'll teach that evil Vogue!"

Made my morning. (It's morning here in Kyoto.)

Gee, Jezebel, thanks so much for providing this invaluable public service. I hope you all sleep well tonight.

Shame on you, Jezebel, and shame on you, Jessica Coen. This is so low, so... Ugh. Just... Shame on you all.

Isn't it horrific how plastic surgery makes people look hideous in exactly the same way, so that if they keep it up long enough they all end up looking like Pete Burns? You would think anyone contemplating plastic surgery today would look at the results that are out there and think, "Maybe I'll just stick with

I just searched #HowIMetYourRacism on Twitter and am now wallowing in despair. Humanity is hopeless. Apparently I just need to "lighten up" because it was "just a joke." I will now crawl into bed and try to "lighten up." Good night from Kyoto.

Precisely. Because yellow face remains unproblematic to most Americans. It's depressing.

The comments prove Phoenix's point. Racist stereotyping of Asians remains one of the most widely accepted forms of in-your-face bigotry, along with perhaps stereotypes about MtF transgendered women. Mixed with the naively racist comments about how "It's an homage!" (e.g., Katy Perry's yellowface) you have an