
Didn't Tebow routinely go down on his knee and pray after scoring a touchdown? I don't recall him ever getting penalized for that...

Goodell: when he told us he prayed, we didn't realize it would look like that. He misled us as to the nature of his praying. If it were Christian-like praying—2 games. But this?! Indefinite suspension.

"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

I'm from the town from where Ereck Plancher was from (I went to another high school though). A lot of fucked up details came out of that incident. It got so bad that the HS football coaches down here did not want their players who weren't good enough for FSU or UF, but good enough for the state directional schools

As punishment for their neglect, the guilty parties will be compelled to attend parenting classes and all of the Browns' remaining home games this season.

That arrest picture sure is something. Much like the other Heather McCartney, this woman seems to be having a lot of trouble standing up on her two feet.

I was going to give "thug" a pass but then started throwing things when I got to "vegan." Cheese or GTFO.

Photographed mid-"gotta get that paper somehow" shrug.

A part of me hoped against hope that they would maybe be a multi ethnic group of friends rather than a real estate stock photo.

Is anyone on Earth surprised by this?

who like...approves shit like this. who makes the list, hands it off to someone, who then says 'yes good.' like who does this.

Watch this video of a haunted forest. What HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU!

Pour that shit over spaghetti noodles and top with shredded cheddar cheese.

May God bless and keep you for never letting go.

I like this recipe because it confirms my belief that pico de gallo is an ingredient and not a dip.

The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Presented by Tustin has a nice ring to it

It's always annoyed me to no end to see Angela Stadium up there.

Good plan to squeeze the city, Arte. Nobody ever goes to Anaheim to do anything fun except to go to Angels games.

Sidenote: They're threatening to move less than 10 miles away. Fans aren't exactly in uproar over the move