Cameron Esposito is a pleasant enough person, good energy, but not terribly funny. Listen to her stuff - the audience doesn’t really laugh.
Cameron Esposito is a pleasant enough person, good energy, but not terribly funny. Listen to her stuff - the audience doesn’t really laugh.
He’s black.
Fuck Roy Moore.
To be fair, her emails did prove you can’t trust Hillary. So that was sort of a foregone conclusion.
Oy, gevult! You NeoLiberals keep telling us Progressives to “drop 2016" - how about we will when YOU will?
Jesus, people are still trying to blame everything but Hillary Clinton herself for Hillary Clinton’s loss. What’s next, you going to pull the “If you voted third party YOU’RE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME” card too? How far down the rabbit hole does this still have to go before maybe admitting that Clinton wasn’t the great…
I would almost rather go deaf than to listen to any of these.
The news that more women were sexually harassed made your morning?
the point is to send a clear and direct message that calling someone a rapist based on hearsay is grounds for a defamation (or libel, if printed) lawsuit. it is designed to get the attention of the public, via the press, by including such a massive number (jezebel is playing right into their hands), and although I…
Choke the Raven nevermore.
They set that up perfectly. Janet was so easy to acquire there was nothing stopping him from getting another one very easily, so why keep this one?
Nah, it’s a decent ersatz RSS feed, with some jokes peppered in.
It this type of stuff that tells you some people have never actually interacted with anyone, ever.
You get it. Anime is a disgusting slog of bullshit that only has any positive connotations because Ghibli made it into film, instead of hypersexed BS for toddlers.
Albert, are those kids on your lawn? Is the music too loud? People pay for bottled water?
Albert I seriously remember when you used to write good articles about interesting things back before that deranged thing about a cartoon bird gave you brain worms