
So you're saying that Chris Berman's not the only one in Bristol who's into leather?

"Police say he was incoherent and had vomited on himself."

This is the commenting equivalent of wearing a sandwich-board that reads I AM A NARROWMINDED WEENIE.

I guess the real question is, who'll run the town when Cobb becomes the 2016 GOP presidential nominee?

You're not fooling anyone with that alias, Jack Dickey.

Oh man, this a worthless waste of a distraction.

Look, can we all just admit that Kevin Conroy who voiced Bats in the DC Animated Universe will always be the best Batman of all time and move on with our lives?

Reporter: Do you feel like you're ready to lead this team this season?

"If you look at it closely, you'll find...."

Race Off

I guess now he's a maizeball brother.

"...two drops in two hours"

I was flying out of Buffalo on a Friday morning. An overnight flight from the West Coast landed and off the jetway rumbled about 50 Level III's. It looked like the roster of the prison flight in "Con Air." All were clad in silver and black.

Maybe they were just playing charades & Antonio Smith drew the card that said "Dustin Keller's Knee"

God, I knew Aaron Hernandez was bad, but this takes the cake.

I cancelled NFL Sunday Ticket on Saturday after watching the first half of the preseason game against the Saints. I'm not paying $300 to watch that shit.

This is Jezebel isn't it? I thought this was Who sucks the best in LA board?

Afghanistan can be rebuilt quicker than this flaming shitwreck.

Hey brotha, let me start by saying thanks for the support, it definitely means alot!

Keep your chin up, Charlie (it'll keep your teeth from sliding out).