
How about Batman's Awesome Arkham Adventure?

I've managed to stay alive playing for over a month now - maybe because I haven't looted or found a can of beans yet?

Gawker media pandering to the Eugenicists again. Sure, enjoy your carcinogens people. Mmm...chemical deliciousness!

Swamp gas...def swamp gas.


It is a well-known industry insider fact that Wakko, Yakko, and Dot are running Warner Brothers now.

I don't know who they are either, Stan.

One of the best musicians of our time? No, he plays a lot of scaled and circular breathes and people with no musical training or ear think that's talent. Its crap...the utter worst kind of tasteless drivel and shit. He would be pulled from limb to limb in the neighborhood where I learned how to play. I know high

My luck all I'd find would be a creeper spawn point.

I used to speak to him on a weekly basis in a previous aviation-related job. He was always cordial, affable, and surprisingly down-to-earth. Others felt the same way but it had nothing to do with his celebrity. I dealt with many others that were complete assholes.

This is what happens when you have Shitty taste in music.

As much crap as I order from Amazon Prime and due to my close proximity to a major airport, this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Structure the film correctly and the script will write itself. Screenwriting is not rocket science.

I call it Agents of Zzzzhield. Anytime I am battling Insomnia, I fire up the DVR and watch about 20 mins. Its cheaper and more effective than Ambian.

Can't wait to get my Agent of SHIELD action figures: Dude in suit, other dude in suit, nerd in suit, chick with big boobs.

Sounds so...dirty.

God I hate MegaBloks. I used to throw them across the room when I found a random piece tainting my Lego Box.

Unnecessary character backstory that doesn't drive towards the main story of the film. Syd Field method teaches to write a backstory for leads, but it becomes all too tempting to not put it in the script, which weighs it down.

Not really. Sometimes the casting decision comes down to the person most likely to give up the booty cookie.

Actually the swipe up and away card feature is more like WebOS, not Android.