I swear I heard a film pitch like this recently, “This script is like Transformers: Headmasters meets Real Steel meets Trolls!”
I swear I heard a film pitch like this recently, “This script is like Transformers: Headmasters meets Real Steel meets Trolls!”
I sat in line at a GameStop for half an hour at lunch but was successful in pre-ordering in person.
Jesus...can we make this guy an Exec at AMC? This is brilliant!
I inadvertently started as an entertainer and became an intergalactic hair dresser (image designer). It was fun because that class had the best players and I ended up being one of the wealthiest hair dressers on my server lol.
“Maybe my underwear wasn’t all from Target” may be one of the best lines I have encountered in life.
I went through all those stages playing Mother 3. Fallout 4, not so much. A not quite the best Fallout game is still heads above most games.
I’m the opposite cause I live in Texas where even granny is armed. If axe wielding mass murder walks through the door he’s done for before he even gets halfway up the stairs. But if a ghost or haunted killer doll walks in, that’s it, I’m gone.
They should make Dad Bod Thor a real Canon character.
You guys might scoff and not believe in Satan, but the dark lord certainly believes in you.
I wholely concur. I wish a Warner Bros film division executive would come across this article, but clearly they don’t give a shiznitz.
Whedon jumped the shark. He just showed up for his paycheck, Mayweather style.
What about the Ewoks movies?
no, no, no. There is a difference between stylistic similarities and ripping off an original song. One example used was La Bamba, Ritchie Valens version influencing rock decades later. Well that basic song was based on a Mexican son jarocha style which itself is based on a simple Cuban guajira pattern which is a…
"This one, call I, the rabbit" - Jedi Master Yoda.
Sounds like something a Trekkie would say ;). No, in all seriousness I've grown tired of the same Skywalker plot lines. They are like the Bushes and Clintons of the Galactic Empire.
Annnnnd it only took four posts to bring out the first Trekkie.
GTA5 gets a high def first person mode. First place everyone heads to is the strip club.
Professor X is the Cleveland of the Xmen
I actually think Taylor Swift is an alright human being but good lord, from a strictly musical standpoint, this is horrendous. You people that says ehhh I don't hear it is the reason why people like this sell millions of records.