
Yes to all of this.

Frosting is the greatest aphrodisiac.

I would like it noted that nobody is trying to pick up men with pie. #TeamCake #SuckItPastryStans

I find it interesting that the Asian and Black boys are "Yeah...I mean it's still a thing. It's stupid. They were raised that way etc" while the White boy of the same age (estimate) was "I thought Martin Luther King Jr. fixed this kind of thing"

Sorry the grown ups can't be grown ups kids. Work with your friends of

Bigotry is an acquired trait.

"We are all so mad about the Cheerios."

The little girl with the freckles is a boss. I love that she thinks this thought is soooo old, like George Washington old. And she does not back down! They are all wunderbar in their honest kindness.

Is it just me, or are these kids CRAZY articulate??!?

I love this because it lets me know that at least some people are raising their kids right. The sad thing is that they could have found just as many kids saying the opposite because that's all they've ever been taught :(

Agree with you. It also (sadly) doesn't sound like he's going to give people a chance to give a crap much more. This apparently is his last acting gig despite his brilliance. I watched a commentary once, where Michelle Fairley mentioned that Gleeson is off acting after finishing up studying THEOLOGY at Trinity. I hope

Think about how awesome it would be to be in that class.

I'm not big on shutting down freeways or streets for protests, regardless of the cause. There could be people trying to get to a hospital to say a last goodbye, people going to an interview for a job they really need, and so on. You just don't know. I get that direct action is meant to be disruptive, but I still am

Odd for someone so talented, but he's actually not planning on making acting a career.

I'll start by saying that I'm not an expert, but I think that the prosecution should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter from the start, rather than going with 2nd degree murder. It's not that I don't think Zimmerman is guilty of murder 2, but in terms of getting a conviction, I think it would have been easier

I love how nobody seems to get what this means.

It's shit like this that has caused me to break my long love affair with Jezebel. I've barely visited in months. There's no reason to write this article other than to try to be inflammatory.

Sam Jackson DQ Blizzard Billy Bartys After Nap

Most. Metal. Vagina. Ever.

My vagina. It's known to slay boners by the thousands with it's +69 Axe of Circumcising.