Then he read the kid's emails. He has a birthday party coming up, he likes dinosaurs, and is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Then he read the kid's emails. He has a birthday party coming up, he likes dinosaurs, and is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obviously, they secretly want to sleep with each other and don't trust themselves within 50 feet of each other. It's purely out of respect for their relationships and each other. It's a noble and bittersweet thing.
Maybe I shouldn't engage you, but I think it might be useful to read for similarly misguided people.
I think it's a way of making fun of an explanation by deliberately making it sound oversimplified- like, "Boys with sisters are more likely to be Republican because they're exposed to gender roles through chores" sounds like a plausible explanation, but "Boys with sisters are more likely to be Republican because…
Honestly, I liked and empathized with Cat way more on the show. I HATED her in the books because she's such a spiteful, malicious harpy — I couldn't forgive her treatment of Jon. But on the show, a) she's not nearly as bad, and b) they make it a point to show that she knows she's awful to Jon and doesn't want to be,…
Isn't Girls itself like a parody of real life?
Eh, this kinda goes both ways. Takeaway: do nice things for the person you love/like/bone regularly.
Or those massive phone-book-sized menus.
Also, "Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices" - I'd like to start the alternative "Commission for the Promotion of Vice and Prevention of Virtues." I'll start the paperwork on that if you'll consider electing me the commissioner. I've always wanted to the the Commissioner of something, and…
You had me through the article and then excited that went with potatoes first. And then lost me by behaving sweet potatoes at the bottom. Have you tried sweet potatoes?!? Especially in fry form? no way hash browns or tatter tots are better than sweet potatoes, either in fry form roasted.
Thin crust over deep dish?