
How are hermaphrodites part of OUR species’ reproductive strategy? They are mutations. And you used microorganisms to make your argument, professor. 

You didn’t make a coherent argument to counter.

You sound mentally unwell. 

They want to have a one-sided conversation and immediately shut out anyone who disagrees. Funny, reminds me a lot of the far right.

The AV Club’s treatment of JK Rowling qualifies as a witch hunt by any standard. We’ve gone on and on about how much we hate her and how evil she is, but I don’t recall anyone telling what she actually did. I don’t think it matters. The idea that the target doesn’t deserve a defense **because** they’re so evil is

I never liked JK Rowling or Harry Potter, but you overreacters are making it REALLY easy to root for her.

y’know, i clicked on the link that’s a timeline of her (alleged) transgressions, and the majority of it is “she liked a tweet.”  c’mon now.  and one of the few that wasn’t that was “she said there are two sexes,” and  idk, but the way it was explained to me, from trans-friendly people, was that sex is, you know, the

You can call her anything you want, it doesn't make you not an imbecile.

I just came back from Universal and Harry Potter World was packed with people spending every last cent they had on wands and butter beer. Hogwarts Legacy is a massively popular game. The average person doesn’t care what J.K. Rowling’s view on gender is.

Another success for one of the world’s greatest storytellers, and richest MILFs! The only thing trannies hate more than JK Rowling are their own gentitals.

If guns are not the problem and people are the problem, why would you give the problem guns?

Let’s go back to the article last week about whether or not “Andor” will make “The Mandalorian” look even worse.

I was just joking. We’re definitely of the same mind. 

We’re saying the same thing but somehow you’re saying it like you’re disagreeing. 

Same author, same day:

So just to be clear: we're supposed to hate Jason Sudeikis because of a report from a former nanny that both he and Olivia Wilde denied was true, and also because a process server did their job? Even for present-day AV Club, this is a shockingly bad take.

I’m weird in that I actually quite liked Chronicles, in that it was an interesting movie with a gorgeous art style and some good cinematography that accidently seemed to have the character from Pitch Black in it. I kind of went in with an open mind as I had just enjoyed the game, which was kind of the same, awesome

I’ve said this before but fuck it, it needs to be said again and again until people get the message. I will die on this hill.

The game is fantastic. Can’t wait to finish work and play all weekend besides a Superbowl break. I’m sure this comment section will stay very calm. 

A fun exercise is to ask them to name a specific quote where she says she hates trans people. Nobody can ever provide anything lol. The worst she can say is she feared some trans people might use the whole bathroom thing for predatory reasons. Which yep, some have. Not a lot, but it has happened.