
Ability and persistence!

And, if you insist on boiling your vegetables (shudder) at least do something with the potlikker. You just cooked all the water-soluble vitamins out of your vegetables— for God's sake don't throw it down the drain now.

Actually, gliadin is one of the two proteins which make up gluten, the other being glutenin.

XenoBLADE! Xenosaga is another RPG (which is better in my POV) Anyway, I can understand the confusion but still... 2 different games ;)

I think she at least educated one person on the planet. (That would be me in this case). I never even thought about forced reproduction on plantations. [Yes, the dumb... it burns with this one] So, if one of her points was to educate the uneducated, she succeeded. Admittedly it was in the arena of humor, but this

One of my dad's BFFs got kicked out of a buffet restaurant—after his return from Vietnam, poor bastard—because apparently he was eating ALL THE THINGS. His tour of duty had left him a bottomless pit, poor kid. (Who is like 70 now, so...)

This is the best I could do.

Some I know, but my brain couldn't put the name to them. The rest are just the ones I could remember. I hope others can fill in the missing parts.


It's like this whole thread is my brain speaking to me! I love you people!

As a farmer from India, I feel so sad that people like Vandhana Shiva, side track the real issues we the farmers face in our farm front. Farmers have been committing suicide even prior to the introduction of Bt Cotton which is the only GM Crop allowed to be grown in India. Farmers cultivating other crops including

Shirou is an idiot.

You know the secret to an awesome grilled cheese? Use mayo instead of butter on the bread. I am not shitting you.

I don't believe giving an article a title that is a question is, in and of itself, a discussion proposal. Isn't ignoring the author's thoughts and using the one-phrase title of an article as your own soapbox more disingenuous?

The Muppets have been a part of my life since I was two years old when my Mum sat me down in front of some repeats because she'd loved the show in the 70s. When the 2012 film came out I tried at one point to see Kermit as a hand wrapped in felt and topped with ping pong balls. I couldn't do it. Not even for a second.

Now playing

The original Kermit was made from his mother's coat, some felt (collar) and ping pong balls. He's the one you see in the 60's commercials. By the time I met Mr. Henson, Kermit had been fabricated from fleece over foam, but still with ping pong ball eyes. :)

It's embarrassing that you cited the China Study, which has been repeatedly and firmly debunked. All of the studies showing that vegetarians are "healthier" suffer from a fatal flaw — comparing vegetarians to average Americans. Since vegetarianism has been pushed as a "healthy" lifestyle, vegetarians are more likely

I've always leaned towards the idea they were less healthy. Extremism is rarely a good thing. I feel like the key to health is balance when it comes to your food groups. That's what I go for anyway, it doesn't always work out that way. Sometimes you just need some turf'n'turf. Or a giant turkey leg wrapped in bacon.

From Bercovitch, F. B. and Berry, P. S. M. (2013), Herd composition, kinship and fission–fusion social dynamics among wild giraffe. African Journal of Ecology, 51: 206–216. doi: 10.1111/aje.12024

He wears number 2 as a reminder to not break Newton's second law.