
I can get dill pickle chips here in Tucson, AZ. Hell even better I get Pringles dill pickle crisps as well.

Glad to see you came into this with an open mind and engaged in some actual dialogue about this issue. After reading through yours and a lot of others comments I think the issue comes down to something quite simple. Explicit speech versus implicit speech. While writing those three little words on a cake would not mean

But if some of those arrested roll over it will give the US some serious political clout that they can share with other countries to affect some change in the situations going on there. Of course if our congress get’s involved we will fuck it all up and basically make Qatar look like martyrs.

You forgot peppered and capped. (Jalapenos, mushrooms) Also country (Sausage Gravy) over topped is so much better when you are hammered.

That’s too bad. I feel sorry for them since kids need to experience nature to build a healthy immune system.

Supporting video.

Ugh come to AZ and listen to the locals mispronounce Chipotle, Oaxaca Cheese, Suguaro, and then ask for queso cheese. *Sigh*

Umm you do need a test for it. If you truly do have Celiac disease you may have damage to your intestines as well. Just because you figured it out through self diagnosis does not mean you shouldn’t seek medical advice. Celiac Disease is a major diagnosis and is something that needs to be monitored by your primary

May I ask why she thinks they are allergic to grass? I personally am allergic to grass and while it is annoying, I itch like mad, watery eyes, runny nose etc., it is not life threatening. I ask because why in the hell would she keep them away from the park? Yes you suffer a bit but that sure as hell didn’t keep me off

I know this will probably languish in the greys but I want to correct something that a lot of commenters seem to be missing. Being objective does not mean that you do not have an opinion. It means that you are going into the experience with an open mind. This applies to reviews of movies, food, games, songs, etc.

Objective reviews mean you leave your opinions and biases at the door and review the game/movie/restaurant on it’s merits and not on any pre-conceived notions. Yes there is a subjective component to the review but what TB is saying is that now that this is on Twitter any review he does good or bad will be misconstrued

Based on the fact that he has been one of the big voices in the whole GamerGate thing I think it is him trying to put out there that he believes in what he is talking about. That said I personally can’t stand the guy but objectively I can state I do not believe he was in the wrong here. And I think that is the issue.

Sounds amazing. Definitely added to my list of food destinations.

I'll have to add that to my food and drink bucket list. Gilroy garlic festival is still tops on my list though.

Probably because the Mezcal made in Oaxaca is from the Agave Espadin which I have been led to believe is the good stuff. For some reason I can stomach Mezcal but not Tequila (Bad night with it on my 21st birthday.) Which I find interesting since all Tequilas are Mezcals but Tequila is only from the Blue Agave. And yes

Sounds interesting. Curious as to how many ways most Americans would butcher the pronunciation of it though. Living in AZ has taught me that Americans can really butcher Spanish and Native American words. e.x. Suguaro (pronounced suh-whar-oh)

Mostly you are correct but even at 43 I can still hear it. Of course I can also hear dog whistles so I could just be an odd guy with a sensitivity to high frequency sounds.

Well in my experience tuna fish refers to the stuff you get in the can and tuna refers to when it is an actual filet of tuna that is seared like a steak.

I actually have a physical copy of this game that I got as a bonus disc from a graphics card purchase. I have never actually played it since at the time I had a serious backlog of games. But being the way I am I never get rid of games until the technology to run them ceases to exist. Case in point it was until my move