
If I had to venture a guess it's the hunting aspect. Ohh hunting manly. Although personally I am not a fan of most hunters. Get a bow not an automatic rifle if you want to hunt. Pro Tip - The deer are NOT wearing armor proof vests. You do not need armor piercing bullets and an assault rifle to take them down. Also for

Just had to respond and say I can't believe I am in agreement with a cat :-P

Sarah j I cannot recommend this enough. It's a balance of your diet that makes you healthy. That said if someone wants to only eat veggies, go for it. It's your body and the same can be said for meat eaters. However having a varied diet that includes meat is not unhealthy.

Well to make it even more bizarre she planed on stabbing him with a paring knife. Sure it would still do some damage but yeah she had some serious mental issues for sure.

Actually the rifle was for herself. She had planned on stabbing him and then shooting herself.

I do respect your choices and I was mainly just commenting on the fact that meat eaters never give me crap about my diet, only vegans and vegetarians do. I did come off a little harsher than I meant and for that I apologize. Eat what makes you feel good and healthy and I will do the same. :-)

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP LINKING THE CHINA STUDY. He divorced one protein from a food and laid all the blame on it. Now all the new studies are showing that wait for it THIS IS A BAD IDEA, Casein is a problem for some people. In my sister it causes migraines BUT only when she consumes dairy. Casein in other

I highly doubt this. I have limited my meat consumption because I know how a diet works, and yet it is only the vegetarians that continue to criticize me . I love most vegetables and eat a ton of them but it is never enough. Sadly if these vegetarians bothered to educate themselves they would know that most of the

Well when you actually bring in some science that defends your position then yes we can. That being said it is your life so feel free to live it the way you like. Just tell your vegetarian and vegan peeps to stop giving me the business because I choose to eat meat. I will offer them the same courtesy.

And pray tell what will the cow accomplish with it's life? Stand around and moo while eating grass? You seem to think that they will be curing cancer. Cows are nothing more that natures way to eat grass and then replenish the soil with their shit. Seriously. That is the only purpose they serve.

No this is incorrect as well. Saturated Fats do not contribute to your Cholesterol levels increasing. Eating highly processed foods does. Eat locally eat home cooked and you will be just fine.

GOOD GOD Please stop. Cholesterol is not a factor in heart disease. Recent studies have shown a 0% link in cholesterol intake and heart disease. This is why we make fun of people like her. They make bullshit claims to justify their lifestyle. And I can guarantee vegans and vegetarians are much more assholes to meat


OMG please dismiss David Goldy.

Actually depending on which type of lox it is, it may not even be smoked. Lox is made with a dry salt cure or a brine and then either served like that or cold smoked and then served. The cold smoked lox is generally referred to as Nova lox.

Yup. this is very true. It's also why those that are lactose intolerant can eat yogurt since the bacteria that turns milk into yogurt is lactobacillus which breaks the bond of the disaccharide lactose. Commonly when some one is allergic to milk however it is casein that is the offending party. Casein is the protein in

Although to be honest that was more entertaining than the movie.

Star for getting the inverse correct. Yay Science!

Heck that is right up there with an O-Lineman TD

So let me see if I can break this down. A player who was made to feel inferior as a person speaks up, gets traded to a new team and when he gets to a new team you immediately assume he is going to be in a commercial with the "star" QB? If they do it, you have to know Kapernick will hand him a set of Beats By Dre as