
I completed the game a while ago. And I should rephrase, “Why should I -care- about Ardyn’s problem?” His storyline was weak. Everyone claimed Ardyn to be a fascinating character but really he made no goddamn sense. Mainly, in how he’s constantly helping Noctis and his group to get closer to defeating him.

Just wanted to add to any fans who still love this game. That’s totally cool. There are plenty of games I enjoy that everyone else says is trash. For me, that game was Sim City 2012.

Hey, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Wish the rest of us could have seen what you did.


Okay, so I was definitely not expecting this letter from a RELATIONSHIP ADVICE column, but okay, I’ll help this miserable dude out.

If you have the balls to tell Dan and Sam Houser, no we’re not re-framing the cameras. Then good luck on finding your next job!

Played this yesterday and was glad to see that the character creator was very robust and had numerous options for portraits. I uploaded SilverNinja online on PC, so if you see her, let me know if she puts up a good fight!

RIP Obsidian. The game dev company that could never catch a break despite having critically well-received games. I still haven’t forgotten about their big budget Alpha Protocol disaster or how horrifically buggy Fallout: New Vegas was. Yet despite their glaring flaws, I had fun with both games.

Yay, a flight sim got mention in mainstream media again. Flight sims are such a dying breed and it kills me that Eagle Dynamics is one of the few developers actively making fighter jet sims.

I had to once again roll my eyes at the ultra conservatives, religious being afraid or guilted by acting on their sexual desires. I totally understand respect people who want to “save themselves” for marriage, but to not have any clue about your menstrual cycle or seeing an OBGYN is simply ridiculous.

That . . . is . . . hilarious. Reminds me of a show where they put these people in their own individual pods. They would sleep deprive them, finally let them get some rest, then an alarm would go off and they would have to solve a complicated problem or remember a series of numbers.

Dang it, X-Com 2.

A month delay is not enough in my opinion. People are going to be playing Red Dead and Call of Duty for a while. I would wait until December when the new game shine wears off.

Wow, totally digging the music for the trailer. Hope that’s a part of the official sound track! Looks pretty sweet so far, like the cel shading style they went for.

I had defeated enough Sentinels to give me a small window to pulse jump. I probably should have mentioned that in the story, heh heh.

Here’s my story with the Sentinels.

The problem I see with PUBG is that it’s being run by an inexperienced team who, 1.) Doesn’t know how to build an optimized game in Unreal engine. 2.) Doesn’t know how they’re going to monetize further development of the title.

As someone with a HitRecord account, this is not a big deal. First off, you will most definitely get paid for your work if it is accepted. How it gets accepted was usually determined by people (fellow collaborators) voting on whose artwork or creative submission should be used in the final product.

EA is trying to brand themselves as a customers first company. “We hear you, we messed up, here’s what we’re going to do the rectify the situation.”

I’m so envious of people who were able to get into Cities Skylines. As a 300+ hour Sim City 2013 player, I was eagerly anticipating to migrate over to Cities Skylines. The thought of having a larger map and more control over the districts was super appealing to me.