I am intimately familiar with R*’s practices.
I am intimately familiar with R*’s practices.
There seems to be a pattern with EA studio closings. If a studio goes horribly off course with a game vision or the fan feedback is overwhelmingly negative, EA does not give the studio a second chance to make amends.
It is stupid, but trust me when I say game developers do this, ESPECIALLY during crunch. It’s bad practice but it comes with the job. Maybe one day game dev will be reformed, but for right now, most game companies want to own your life. The same is true for people working in the financial sector.
The more successful the game is in a triple A space, the harder and more strenuous the work environment. This can mean that the management is unusually harsh and demands everyone come in on the weekends. Or it can mean that the milestones are back to back and require people putting in 16 hours a day.
Awesome, love to read stories like these. Also love that the kid felt inspired. Overall, great article.
The point of mods was to be done as a hobby or a way to get noticed by the industry.$131 a month is actually a nice haul considering some self published indie authors can make 15 bucks every three months.
I really hope gamers are smart and don’t support this BS creators club. Oh and BTW, that hunger and weather mod is free on PC and it was called Chesko’s Frostfall and Realistic needs. No need to pay money for it.
This is almost exactly what it was like in the game Earth & Beyond. Aliens appeared, spoke in l33t speak, then attacked. Nice to see Elite take up the mantle.
Injustice 2 is better for singleplayer. Otherwise, I definitely prefer fighting online in Tekken 7 rather than the singleplayer experience. Especially because there is a BS bossfight with Akuma that is super frustrating to participate in.
God, and I thought my job was demanding. I currently work in video game dev and I thought being asked to come in on the weekends and work a full day was bad, including holidays, but this sounds way worse.
Man everyone always complains about that underwater bomb level but I never had a problem with it. Now getting on the technodrome? That level was bullshit. It took me many years before I was finally able to beat shredder. No cheats, lot’s of angry tears.
I would have attempted to open the monitor because something like that would have driven me crazy.
You can say that OpenIV has nothing to do with online, but clearly Take Two and R* believes there is something in their code which makes it easier for other modders to create cheat tools to use online.
I know a lot of people are angry about this, and as someone who enjoys modding his single player games, this is certainly upseting news. However, the community needs to realize that the amount of hacks and cheating happening in GTA: Online on PC is RAMPANT.
I can’t watch this video because the thought of someone buying all that food, for themselves (which is practically suicide considering what it is), knowing there’s people out there starving for a meal. Disgraceful.
On PC, matchmaking is hit or miss. There are some game modes that are unplayable due to low population.
I disagree that this would have stopped negative fan reaction. First of all, announcing a WW2 game along with Infinite Warfare may encourage fans to skip Infinite Warfare completely and just wait for the World War 2 game to come out.
They could’ve cut the price by removing the forktail altogether. After all, people would be buying the statue for Yen not for the damn thing she killed.
Yes, I’m glad this upgrade pulled through for you. I ran into the same issue where my motherboard was acting up and I needed to upgrade my mobo, my CPU, my hard drive, and my RAM. It was daunting to say the least. I upgraded mobo, CPU, and RAM first as my SSD was on back order.
I’m not sure this is such a good move. This is the same issue that plagues books. Sometimes, in order to generate buzz around a game, an author has to give out free copies of books in order to gain reviews.