
Americans: get every other movie before everyone else, complain about Europeans getting some Marvel movies a week early.

The idea that every character could be just like Batman really hurt the DCEU. Instead of the characters with drastically different tones having to find a way to work together it’s let’s drown everything in grim dark grim.

Now playing

I don’t care what y’all say, Star Trek Beyond was good Trek and the Sabotage space battle ruled (and the effects were gorgeous).

Thoughts and prayers

Okay, I’m confused. Kotaku reports that his tweets were so bad that his place of employment saw fit to fire him for his private life that in no way reflects on the company. Then of the two tweets reproduced, one is a verifiable fact that has been widely stated by sociologists and political scientists. The other is a

Facts: Touch and Dare by Stan Bush for this movie may be the two greatest songs made for any film in history. Fight me over this. I will end your world like Unicron.

He’s a vulnerable, sad, lonely person. He’s a mutant who gets lynched by the same people he later has to rescue (and note - the woman and the girl he saves? They don’t save HIM until they need him; they were going to let him drown slowly in sludge).

He refuses sex, even when it is offered point blank, because he

Yup. And even before he starts letting his guard down, he goes to some lengths to be at least halfway decent. The woman offers sex as an incentive to ferry her and her ward to Dryland. He refuses. When asked why, towards the end of the film, he says simply, “Because you didn’t want me.”

Nothing remarkably out of character for a mutant hated and feared by humans. He’s a misanthropistic loner who had to deal with two humans who happened to female. He didn’t show any specific misogyny towards them.

Exactly. He only comes off “misogynist” because he interacted primarily with female characters for most of the film. In truth, he’s misanthropist: he hates all humans. The movie illustrates just exactly WHY this is the case in pretty brutal detail, too.

Sssshhhh, don’t get in the way of the circlejerk.

The Mariner didn’t have toxic masculinity. He hated all humans because they hated him.

Is must just be me, but it seems if you take a book that is Not at all like Game of Thrones, and closely adapt it into a TV series, then It stands to me that it would be absolutely nothing like Game of Thrones.

I don’t know why you have to demean other commenters, which only serves the purpose of quashing dialogue. It’s clear people are enjoying the show and that Katharine has an ax to grind and people want to talk about that disconnect.

Nope, if you ever seen any of the mirror episodes, they were always shot as “darker” than the prime universe, even as far back as TOS. The eyesight thing is different, but if the universe is indeed “darker” at a literal sense as well, it makes sense a species that developed with less light is sensitive to it.

This is now par for the course, considering the old guard left and put Rob Bricken in charge. When they first hired Bricken, he was best know for his profane ranty Transformers 2 Spoilers FAQ on his old site Topless Robot. Topless Robot and io9 could not have been more different in tone. But they let him transplant

Seriously. She’s devolved into barely coherent ranting. Please io9, get someone else to do these things next season.

I’m not saying that io9 should sugarcoat it’s coverage but maybe having someone who KINDA likes the show doing the write ups would be better....