I really appreciate that moving sidewalks got what appears to be top billing in their “world of tomorrow” mural.
I understand the point they’re trying to make, but I’d be surprised if Rolling Stone hasn’t published a woman’s nipples at some point in the last 50 years. That would mean they never ran this gorgeous shot of Janis Joplin.
This is the best email conversation. Almost as good as the unhinged sorority emails from two years ago (but not really, those will always be THE ALL TIME BEST).
Ha! I was adjusting invisible rabbit ears.
It gets very surreal after 2 or 3.
I think it’s wonderfully optimistic that you think he’ll feel shame over this.
Mandated reporter here...it never hurts to report if you have genuine concerns. Let the authorities sort it out. You never know if your report will be the 3rd, or the 4th, or whichever one will be the one that triggers action (sadly, sometimes it takes multiple reports, especially in 'mild' situations)!
Victorville? STORY CHECKS OUT.
While cleaning my bedroom as a kid, I used to imagine Jerry Orbach and Chris Noth on Law & Order looking around my room and cracking one-liners while they looked for clues to my murder. It was more fun and less morbid than it sounds.
This is my favorite thing ever because I also live my life mentally scoring every thing that happens to me.
For the eventual closing segment of my life in America, I want this song playing as I head to the airport to go home.
Is this for real? This has to be a joke, right? WTF did I just read?
Nearly spot-on skin-colored tights.
Somebody please quickly Photoshop Mariah’s head onto the cover of “London Calling”
I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.
She is so awesome. Generally speaking I’d say speaking out as she did isn’t prudent- but speaking out as she did is also something she’s not in the habit of doing. I think that says a lot, that she finds Trump so alarming she’s willing to throw all caution to the wind.
Thanks for turning me on to this article. I agree with both the author’s, and your, take on why RBG is risking so much to be vocal in her disgust of that bloviating, partially deflated basketball left in the woods by the park courts.
To paraphrase one commentor: There are far more people ruining their legacy by…
He can’t handle the Ruth.