
I think it was more along the lines of he didn't feel worthy of eating these peoples nice food. The episode wasn't great, but I think it did a good job of showing how this end of the world can drastically change people.

It's different for different people, I'm sure. It's not there's any concrete way to measure "motherly instinct".

On top of that, by putting Command School on the same planet where Ender finds the cocoon, they've totally changed the meaning of the connection between his Mind Game visions and the matching real-life setting. In the book, because they exploit the ansible connection, the Formics are actually perceiving his Mind Game

The problem with the "everyone's a winner" idea is that it just reinforces the idea that winning is the only thing that counts as a success. It's possible to do good work, and be proud of the work you did, and still lose.

Of all the things, you think participation trophies are somehow the worst "denialist" movement? I think you might have the wrong thread.

I don't believe in mocking high school students, so I'll refrain. Besides, there will be plenty of time to do so in a few years when she starts showing up at school board meetings demanding that her kids' biology teacher be fired, since we all know we don't come from no monkeys.

Given that Wednesday = Odin's day, Thursday = Thor's day and Friday = Frey's day, we need to change Tuesday to Sifday. Because you know those guys all come after.

That human races are a real thing.

For years I've listened to, and nodded in mild agreement with, the people who rail against the "participation trophy" phenomenon in youth sports (I don't think they're wrong in their objections, but my goodness are they worked up about a rather minor thing). So it's incredibly discouraging to me, when I'm attending

Anti intellectualism in general. aka

Basically the entire Republican war on women is completely anti-science and damaging generations of women. I mean, people say - with a straight face - that women's bodies have ways of "shutting the whole thing down" in cases of "legitimate" rape. We actually have to have those discussions of basic biology with grown

As a Washington State voter, anti-GMO activists are currently highest on my shit list.

The sex? Okay. This story? Longer.

Cancel the policy. I'm wearing titanium.

Can't claim credit, but this is a favorite I saw years ago:

The sky darkened; they'd been listening.

He died telling jokes to aliens.

I like to believe that Generations is an alternate universe. One where TNG movies don't suck.

Is it a brutality they choose, though, or is it one forced on them by desperation? I'm not sure that I have an answer for that after looking to the films for it.

It reminds me a bit of Ralph Nader's "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us," a satire that took a lot of those same seemingly-elitist ideas as a first principle.

I'm glad to see your readers understand that. SO OFTEN, people don't, and then they get all angry and up-in-arms when their particular choice for whatever-list-it-is doesn't get represented.