
I don't know who That Call is, but it has to be embarrassing for him.

How great would it be if she bumped into Jubal Early out there?


Come on Folks.

Nuff Said.

Gort. He had the power to annihilate the entire planet.

Such was my fear. So go many thoughtful teachers, and who can blame them for finding employment that encourages and rewards their thinking.

Please keep teaching forever. I know it can be miserable and thankless, but please know that there are parents who cherish thoughtful teachers, wish there were more of them, and are trying to find better ways to recognize, reward, and compensate the ones who deserve it.

Well, my most popular class was a course on applied ethics and Stargate SG-1. I've taught stories by Vonnegut (I love Harrison Bergeron), Gibson, a lot of Dick,... I dip pretty heavily into comics, as well (mostly 90s-era Vertigo stuff), and scifi standards like Star Trek (TOS & TNG), GATTACA, Metropolis, etc.


"Users' Manual" might have been a better label.

I can't speak for Violet, but I could not get over how an abusive relationship was being peddled to girls and women as perfectly healthy and romantic. If Twilight was being sold as light fluff that people shouldn't take seriously it would be one thing, but they weren't and as a result a bunch of girls and teens now

I think that too. And when I'm feeling cynical, I'm reminded of "The Feeling of Power," by Asimov, wherein people who can do math quickly in their heads have military utility. It's a short read if you're interested:…

Right, so whenever I see this early space-travel my mind goes to that scene in Apollo 13 where they have to do some calculations and have ground control double-check? And they used slide-rules. Logically, I can accept slide rules. They got shit done. But then the other part of me screams that we sent people to the

You banned a book, and did so unironically. That's... really something. At least you didn't hold a book burning in the quad. Did you also ban Lady Chatterley's Lover? I hear it's full of smut.

I decided not to read the Twilight books or 50 Shades of Grey because, as a writer, it would probably be too depressing. Plus, at this point I've read so many articles and comments about those series that it feels like I've pretty much read them anyways.

Chris Cuomo is convinced this happened because his new wife was into deviant sex.

I also lived through 2 of these in Cincinnati many years ago — they were so thick in the air, and then on the ground, that it became absurd. I rather enjoyed it. But I hate routine more than I hate bugs.

I have lived through two of these invasions in the midwest, it is awful, they are everywhere (the dead skin they shed are everywhere), they are loud, they land on you, they terrify your dog, they get into your house (use the vacuum)...seriously do not go outside. They are giant flying roaches.

If ringworld is first class, what's discworld?