
I'm surprised the credit card companies didn't reject the purchases as fraud.

These schemes make Cobra Commander look like a certifiable military genius.

OK. Go check out the job listings at the NCAA compliance office. You'd be a good fit.

Personally, I think this shows major progress on the part of Montero. Earlier in the year, he'd have just thrown an empty ice cream sandwich wrapper.

I'm often on an incomplete mission of change. People need to choose a career because they identify with. Don't choose a profession you don't truly believe in. Your main reward should be in the work you do. If money is your focus, go work in money, not teaching, policing, serving, nursing, lawyering, or whatever.

Great! The next challenge is to prove that we actually went to Mars, but the astronauts died in re-entry on the return to earth, and the government tried to assassinate them to cover it up. Good luck on that (Capricorn) one... -;)

This is how most corporations run (usually poorly) at the high level so can't really say I am surprised that some mindless 'crat goes and thinks "works for them, why not me." Shoot this core belief that expertise is a detriment rather than a help is a fundamental belief of how Congress (fails to) function. So

In related news, AOL is offering unlimited dial-up for $30 a month.

You know how this entire incident stems from cops profiling one group of people unfairly? Congrats, you're doing the exact same thing.

Absolutely true, and I think those are necessary bigger conversations for this person to have with their daughters, but I think trying to avoid having them looking up to women like her isn't necessarily wasted effort either. MaskedGuest likely hopes they'll look up to other women instead. And it's definitely not a

To be fair, parents not letting their kids take in ideas or notions they don't agree with is what parents are suppose to do. If you don't like something, for fear of how it will influence your kids, then you shouldn't let your kids play or watch. Better than blaming other people.

Great article! Though now I'm horrified at the disconnect between my childhood and the childhood of modern teens. Back then people like Goku and Rocky were my heroes. Now, kids are immaturely being sucked into the world of drama where they used words like fake. thirsty, and chauvinist. Seriously, I don't even know

Burneko, because I presume his meat will taste the best given his diet.

you should let Lew Toller know about this opportunity

The granddaddy should be on the list....

Terminator 2

Correction: you don't want to see the Browns.

The Jets are just happy Quarterback Mark is gone.

"Drunk Uncle from LI" would not be good for the brand either.

"And then the protest turned violent, as some citizens began to break into, loot, and set fire to storefronts in their own community."

And did you happen to cover the many tweets from protesters berating other protesters for targeting "their own community" instead of the evil "other"'s neighborhoods and businesses?
