
I feel like I’m not entitled to have an opinion on this because I was lucky enough to get enough scholarship money that I didn’t have to worry about the first couple of years, so going to community college wasn’t something I had to consider. That being said, I don’t understand why more kids don’t do this for that

If Hillary gets paid for speeches, she’s a greedy bitch. If she gets paid less, she’s a failure. If she goes away (to, say, walk in the woods) she’s ridiculed. If she writes a book. If she trips while on vacation. If she has pneumonia. If she wears makeup. If she doesn’t wear makeup. She’s the patron saint of Women

David Hogg........take a gap year tbh.

Her endometriosis had been going on for years. If anything, her hysterectomy was a big step in resolving her medical issues. Also, if I feel this much fremdschamen just hearing about the boneheaded things she says, I can’t imagine being her partner for five years.

You know, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would agree more with Tom Arnold than Roseanne. I probably would have been somewhat incredulous.

“This video really was out of innocence

It’s absolutely his fault. We all get the face we deserve by the time we’re around 50 or so. Santorum’s had almost 60 years of being a condescending, self-serving prick. He wasn’t born with that face—he’s spent a lifetime cultivating it.

Some women do have a thing for older men; I myself would never turn down Patrick Stewart, for example, but he is the exception that proves the rule.

Bible Thumper.

My dad always liked to point out that comedic actors often turned in the best dramatic performances. Maybe it is the fearlessness!

OMG, are you me? I was just now thinking the same thing, about the same actor. The lead will be some hot young actor we haven’t heard of yet—someone who is probably still in his teens right now. But I immediately saw Sam Waterston as the shadowy and not much seen Mueller. He has the talent and the gravitas for the

Hmmmm! Now that’s interesting!

The casting in my head has Sam Waterson playing Mueller.

Terry is not going to backdown from violent backlash. Terry is fighting the good fight. Terry is a fucking national treasure. NINE NINE!

Took our pre-teen, out kid to an advanced screening of this last weekend. Any attempts by me to critique the film were crushed by the fact that our kid wept openly for pretty much the last 20 minutes of the film. When the lights came up, kid looked at us and said, “That’s me.”

Support for Trump amongst white evangelical women has dropped 13 percent. 60 percent of them are still on board, however.

They should have done what I did when I lost power last weekend and bought a few bags of ice from the gas station to throw in the freezer and keep everything at temp.

I am enamored by the idea that, just maybe, Jared is the black sheep in the Kushner family for marrying someone so far below his station, and from such a trashy family. I’d also love to have a reality TV crew at their house for the next Thanksgiving dinner now that this cat is out of the bag.

Holy crap, the amount of energy in a room with both of them would be TOO MUCH. actually speechless at how much that would change my life for the better.