No. You are wonderful! I wish I was as brave as you. :-)
No. You are wonderful! I wish I was as brave as you. :-)
Like anyone needs more reasons to be organ donors? "Take my hand, take my whole life, too". And then bury me on the off chance I've survived the lungectomies, the heartectomy, and the kidneyectomy, so I can quietly suffocate as opposed to being burned alive. Hmm. This isn't normally the type of thing I write about on…
Oh, very nice! :-)
And wasn't that the saddest thing ever? Mary Tudor finally FINALLY got what she wanted (the crown, the husband, the power) and it all turned to ashes (ironic, given her solution for dealing with pesky heretics) in five years. Five years! Almost would have been kinder to have never gotten the crown, never tried to turn…
Can you guys suggest something online for a continual beginner? I've been stuck on the same pot holder for over a decade. I love the ritual of it but also suck at it. I get to washcloth size and give up in tearful despair. My ma-in-law explained it was easy to teach, demonstrated with…
"Full of snuggles for me" is just the awesomest description ever! :-)
I feel so...what's the opposite of surprised? My husband and I were there last summer and in every Italian city one thing was universally true: the American tourists were such. Flapping. Assholes. They thought nothing of ignoring the many signs imploring them to keep their Big Mac frankfurter fingers to themselves.…
I got to trash talk TWILIGHT on CNN! The last movie was about to come out and they were having trouble finding paranormal romance authors who would do anything but gush. "Oooh, ooh! Me! We've got a teenage girl wanting to bang a guy old enough to collect Social Security who watches her sleep! Pick me!" This is one of…
Don't forget to wash it down with a FrankSchlong. (Gawd, that actress just *kills* it. Even though she plays this completely unlikeable narcissist borderline-sociopath, you still root for her! Genius!)
Did Jacki Jormp Jomp give up when those vampires invaded Woodstocks? Neither should Lohan!
My God, that animal will be as big as its human someday! Look at those paws! :-)
Shepherd's plan worked perfectly. We'd never heard of her. Now we have.
Oh yes! "No offense, but..." is code in our family for "I am about to say something so incredibly offensive you will be left reeling, and then to add insult to idiocy I will honestly have no understanding of why you hauled off and punched me in the throat. Pass the stuffing."
That. Is. AWESOME! :-)
Thank you. THANK YOU. This has been bugging me so much I ended up mentioning it in my upcoming book.
That. Is. BRILLIANT! :-)
I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I think you were underestimated—considerably. Just you being here on the planet is a win, but you're clearly articulate and clever, too. Keep winning.
I love that his penis sparkles.
There was a 3 year-old at the end of the row I was in. When I went to HANNIBAL. During the pigs devouring bad guy scene, he just shushed the (very upset and also curious) little boy and told him not to look. Wish I'd been brave enough to say what I was thinking, to wit: "Sir, tell your son to hide his eyes again,…
I know, it's pretty silly. I will own that my spite is 100% envy-fueled...SMeyer's TWILIGHT came out one year after my own UNDEAD AND UNWED. I see the zillions she's made off the franchise and want to claw my own face to ribbons. This is why I'm bad but, as above, I'm happy to own the evil. :-)