
Madeleine, I have had "Maaaaammaries...all aloooooone in my taaaaaaank top!" in my had for more than 24 hours and cannot love you enough right now. Brilliant. :-)

Jeez, really good point! I never thought of it like that but you're dead-on. <rolling eyes at entitled asshat celebs>

Say it twice! I know I shouldn't Google myself or Amazon myself or Goodreads myself. But then I do, at least during release week. Then depending on what I read, I either a) let loose with a Homer-esque "Woo-hoo!" or b) sulk and sulk and sulk. Then I remind myself of John Scalzi's line: "I am not under the

You put that perfectly. And beautifully.

A thousand congrats on your sobriety! There's not a chance in Hell it was easy; what you endured must have been dreadful. Good good good for you.

And just like that, everything in my life is meaningless until I find/steal/make these.

I would have then created a separate Girl Scout just for you (so, not Girl ScoutS). Because what you did was terrifying and possibly awesome. ;-)

I'm a writer, mostly paranormal romance (UNDEAD AND UNSURE) and romantic suspense (ME MYSELF AND WHY). Who, until recently, was embarassed to no end by how Bachmann's teeny tiny brain gets her big huge mouth in trouble. Also horrified because people who live in Minnesota vote for her. A lot. I...I don't...I

Is it true? Can it be possible? the nightmare finally over? *sobbing so hard in St. Paul I have a mucous moustache*

I love how the piglet has the markings of a paint pony. Now I want to buy it a tiny saddle.

Coldplay was 45 minutes late and Madonna was two hours late (St. Paul, 2012 concerts). It's prevalent and they make zillions so people tolerate it.

This is why it's good to be a female writing paranormal romance. Nobody expects me to be all science-ey n' smart n' stuff. Also my vampires are prob'ly just like Twilight because Smeyer and I have ladyparts. I heart vampires n' book sales!