
Yo! This is great!

Sorry, I can't. For some reason, the whole "take your candy" thing has always made me squeamish. I still can't watch that flashback scene in Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey where Ted's little brother is upstairs crying because Ted ate all his Easter candy. I don't even know why. My older brother was a complete shit, but as

I strongly disapprove of parents emotionally torturing their children for entertainment.

"Richie" is a little boy's name. It's about time the guy went by a more mature moniker and just had everyone call him Dick.

I read that memo as not wanting to be offensive by calling flamboyantly fugly Christmas sweaters "gay" in an insulting way to those who would never wear* this stuff. Just me? Not enough rage? Carry on, then.

I had totally forgotten about the post op compression care. :shudder: I was the opposite about the narcotics, I was like "gimme gimme gimme!" I had a D & C without anesthetic which is why I blacked out the day. Fun times.

Oh my god, do I hear you. One of my births was a total clusterfuck, due to emergent complications with both of us. We are both totally fine now. And I had the same experience: if I tried to express sadness, anger, confusion, disappointment in myself or my caregivers or fate because it was a horrible birth, all I got

OOF. I'm really glad she wrote this book, and hope she doesn't gloss over the hard parts. I had related birth shenanigans and ... I'm still conflicted about the birth all these years later, and unsure how much my reluctance to have another is due to my birth experience (which had a happy ending thankfully).

I am almost 50 years old, and I think, there but for the grace of God. Girls 13 and 14 years old are figuring out their sexuality, they want to be pretty, and they take stupid chances for attention — I know I did. I didn't even recognize then that trying really hard to get an older boy or young man to notice me was

I understand and recognize that it takes a special kind of asshole to drug and rape a girl, particularly one so young, and if I'm going to keep reading the news, apparently I need to come to terms with that.

What in the everlovingmotherofgodfuckinghell is up with dumping semi-conscious or completely unconscious rape

I know vigilantism is wrong. I know that it can have terrible consequences. And most of all, I know that because of the nature of Anonymous, they are not all good guys.

Firstly, if it's at Market/Laguna, that's NOT a cable car outside the door. It's a streetcar - and if you don't know the difference, GTFO.

I had the exact same reaction.

I find that gun pointing at the naked woman ad completely revolting. First the violence that it implies. Second it also implies that the danger of unprotected sex only lies with the woman. Disgusting and wrong on every level.

This discussion between you and slowtraincoming is absolutely amazing, and I am so thankful to have been able to read it. It is really important that when trying to fight for women's rights to choose, that we also fight for their right to feel however they damn well please about their abortions. Abortions are a

Did a guy create this graphic? Because the seat's up, and our poor girl up there has enough problems, man.

Yep. That's why you have to lie on your back, otherwise you might poop on the baby's head.

36) Women are never free

I love the spelling "daemons" instead of "demons." It's so much more formal, like a black tie for your crazy religious rantings.

I, male, spent 12 years in Catholic School:
- 8 years Traditional (not pre-Vatican II nutjobs - just modern)
- 4 years Jesuit

As a non-believer, I have my issued with the Catholic Church. However, as someone who spent the majority of his formative years within the Catholic Church I have a certain amount of respect for