
Thanks for all but announcing that you're an abuser. It must be sad to have so little self esteem that you feel the need to exert power over other people in any way you can.

Dude wearing a cowboy hat while making a fire and swinging in porch chair on deck of his boat as he gazes into the sunset waiting for the water in his lion-paw bathtub to warm up: "I wish I had invited my wife along for this."

Mark, did Jezebel put you on the "Stories that are so fucked up you wish you had never read them" beat, or is this the life you have chosen for yourself? I call misandry.

I was an awkward, fat, lonely 12 year old girl who was obsessed with horror movies and masturbating, being raised by a single mother in a small town in the early 90's. Every Friday night my mom would take me to our nearest video store and I would gather 4 - 5 different rated-R VHS scary movies (I would specifically

Just seeing pictures of him grosses me out.

I am almost more creeped out by Leslie Lessen's behavior than by Richardson's . How does she sleep at night? How does she justify pandering to his sick behavior? Does she get off on it, or does she just think it's part of the job? There is no way in hell I'd help my boss creep on women.

If you examine the PC metaphor more closely, you'd find that a computer with no operating system installed, analogous to the tabula rasa of the young child-mind, is nigh unusable.

New Year's Eve, 2010. After a very nice pre-game of oysters and champagne, mistercharles and I got on the #1 bus in Cambridge to head back to Boston to properly Auld Lang Syne. As we got on the bus, the driver barked, "All the way back", which didn't seem meaningful until I glanced to my right and stopped so

He died last year of old age.

Exactly. Give a man a log, you'll keep him warm for a day. Teach a man to hack apart his home furnishings with an axe and he'll be warm for at least a week.

Word- Adults of any gender/sex exposing themselves to children of any gender/sex is at best morally and ethically never acceptable and at worst a crime. Period. If the first few sentences of this didn't make your stomach clench and turn, I'm concerned about what your idea of 'normal' is. Imagine if you were 12, and

That whole "keeping your knees together" thing just makes me think up all the sex positions that still work while your knees are together...

thank you. some of the insensitive comments on this post make me ill.

Yes! A hot glue gun is so much more effective than Bayer aspirin.

wish i could recommend your comment more than once - thank you.

Sorry, but I cheered at this article. This girl is in a situation where it is clear she is being emotionally violated, and based on the tone of the article it would not be surprising to me if it went beyond that. She is not being protected or advocated for by her mother, and it seems like she is the oldest sibling.

Thank you. I'm sorry too. =( I wish it could have turned out differently. Every time we celebrate the kid's birthday, my brother has to have to have 2 parties, one with my family, and a separate one with Mary's family, because there is a high probability that bitch will start some new shit and ruin yet another

Wow this certainly is a slippery slope!