
I hope they do it the right way this time by putting Dr. Doom on the spaceship with the Fantastic 4 when they get their powers.

1st and 2nd, Hell no! 3rd, maybe.

A lot of religions believe that the left hand is associated with the devil and everything unholy and wrong with the world.

Did you go to a religious school or was your principal religious by chance? My father had a similar experience in elementary school and when he went to the air force he had to learn how to use his right hand more than his left.

Congratulations!!!! You have won an all expenses paid vacation to a luxurious resort in the middle of the pacific ocean.

If you are also a black albino, nazi, then congratulations because you a the rarest person on earth.

Never watched caprica, but the only character from stargate that I remember dying and coming back was apophis. All the other ones ascended before death. But I guess its possible that she is in a coma instead of dead.

Its possible that was the only the facility where the ship was store and they were in a different one.

This is the perfect item for one of Stewie's sexy parties.

That is funny on some many levels, especially because I still own a Zune.

It's sad to see her fall into porn, but after seeing her on surreal life you could see that see was living a very troubled life.

I bet the rent or mortgage will be over $2000 a month.

Except halfway up these dolphins realized they couldn't fly a fall back to earth. So much for being the 2nd most intelligent species.

If only Brittany and Santana were in this.

It's funny how people say Happy 4/20 like it's a real holiday.

421? Somebody smack her!

The Anti-Virus companies are gonna be running to the bank to cash in on Mac users fears.

BOOOOOOO, Not Funny!

When I buy a house I'm gonna make sure that I ask about ghost and hopefully that will knock the price down a bit.

Sounds funny, I know. But i'm sure each incident has a separate more logical reason behind it.