
Or poorly shielded wiring, mischievous neighbors, rodents, or any number of proven/possible reasons to suspect before you blame ghosts.

I think it should be irrelevant to mention that. Because by telling someone that, you are basically gonna create a placebo effect, where they are gonna think every strange thing that happens is ghosts or demons. The only thing that should be mentioned is if someone died in the house.

LMAO, Is there an actual form that has to be filled out that says your home is haunted? And do you have to provide proof?

You can break a lease because of paranormal activity?

Darn it, I thought I had more time to catch up on this seasons Eureaka. The only episode I seen was the Christmas episode. On a side note when does Warehouse 13 come back on?

This is the perfect early learning tool for all kids, this should be required in all kindergarten classes and Pre-K classes.

I think you mean in 2015 we are gonna have flying cars.

It's 100x more easier to scan and email something than it is to fax something. Fax machines really should of been obsolete years ago, but businesses still use them. That's why they are gonna be around for a while.

That should be on a shirt.

This picture will haunt my nightmares forever.

LMAO! Well according to Ned in The Simpsons movie, Springfield borders Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.

This had to be the most pointless commercial that I can't stop watching.

That's a great deal, because you can't find many that auto reverses.

I guess you right, but I ask that because Q said the Q have always existed and given what they can do, it would have been nice for a little more back story.

Once you are moved to Friday on fox you are gonna be cancelled.

Are The Q gods or a very evolved race? (Star Trek:TNG)

I thought Jack did remember that Henry wiped his memory or Henry told him about it and why.

The person who edited this video must really like New Girl.

Doesn't really matter to me but it would be better if it look more like glasses and less futuristic.