
I think space shows have run their course. Everything has now been superheroes, crime dramas, and monster shows. Save it for the next generation (no pun intended), wait for the Star Trek movies to die down and then surprise everyone with a show.

LOL, Good things always happen when people have too much time on their hands.

Suffered the same fate as many other Scfy network shows.

Loved this show! But it had two things going against it.

I'm pretty sure Archer's Enterprise would destroy the Galactica.

Obviously America, Because we influence under develop countries, Brainwash our citizens, And secretly kill all who opposes us. All bow down before Totalitarian Rule!!!

Gotta love Robot Chicken for making fun of most of these characters.

Data showing emotions was creepy enough without the music.

Burn it!

The Xindi Death Star... I mean Xindi Weapon

Not only is it not aerodynamic, it breaks the laws of probability.

Replicator's Cruise ship.

I forgot all about this ship, I post the Replicator's ship.

Professor Fransworth.

Satellite images couldn't confirm it's existence?

It's racist because this person took one incident and used it to generalize an entire race of people and said they need better education.

You should be sterilized for your racist and prejudice remarks.

Why are people running away?

It was funny until he started making that stupid noise and repeating the same things over. As an Android owner I could've brought up more points.