
Many pro’s didnt use inkling because inkling is so busted they figured inkling would get nerfed anyway so it wasnt worth putting the time into using inkling.

Olivia, is that the same girl that is so hopelessly single that the entire town in pokemon sun/moon(game) was saying how incredibly single she is? She also has like stuffle pokemon which was supposed to be a sign of someone who is single or something like that?

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Whoever is winning with sheik needs praise, because she is nowhere near as good as she has ever been, in fact its probably the worst shes been. ZSS and Ridly are also pretty low on some top players tier lists like Zero’s, Not that a good player cant win with any character, zero did an iron and did like 5 straight

All it says is luigi cant use it... nowhere does it deconfirm bowser, who is a creature like toadette. If bowser could use the catsuit then he could probably use the crown. At the very least, get one of his magical minions to make his own dark version or even alter it to get it to work. Wouldnt be the first time hes

The cheat tools i get,... but leaking? leaking what? Hey guys, this gambling predatory based game is getting MORE gambling predatory based items...

I should have said from what i heard, all i know is a bunch of people were complaining this was the case. I know i shouldnt assume but that was the consensus i got at the time.

I didnt see it in the article but its been pointed out that while you CAN turn them off you are penalized, and not just in the bonuses, but you actually earn less overall than you used too. 

true, but the playstation classic is literally just running one of the emulators you can go and download and i hear its not even a super great one that has emulation problems.

If they wanted to do that, they should have made the main character female. Changing the male character who wore PINK armor into female is a bit too on the nose and while i dont know the series, I feel lessons the characters impact as they made a character “girly” because of design instead of doing it for the

This game should have always been free to play with all the damn money they make on skins and bullshit. Also I bought the PS3 version of CS:GO because I didnt want to deal with the skin market and valve abandoned it.

as cynical as that sounds, im sure the sad truth is that is completely correct.

Honestly I think the game looks better with pg nudity. makes it stand out at least and you cant upskirt a character if they are already naked.

All the people that took the 500 atoms (5$) credit are probably screwed(at getting the replacement), at least legally unless bethesda wants to own up to that too.

yeah, this seems to be merely a more expensive chinese made object. You want quick easy way to get ps2 in hdmi? Retrotink 2X (100$). I did buy one but it hasnt arrived yet, may take awhile just wanted to say I paid for one.

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Have you seen angry joe’s rant? he was pissed about it sure, but he gave the game EVERY chance in the world, at every turn.

Positives is it wasnt someone airing government dirty laundry, hate speech, or extreme propaganda. Basically showing a 0day exploit to the world in a quick and dirty manner.

(One of those players, NathanTheHicc, told Eurogamer that he doesn’t regret role-playing a hate crime in the game and wouldn’t apologize if given the chance. “It was just a late night of having fun and after the first encounter (seen on my channel) we felt it would be fun to offend them somehow,” he said. “You can

well GTA online made like half a billion with all its shark cards and microtransactions with parents giving money to their kids because they wanted the latest things in that game.

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Ive literally gambled before, and that feeling you get when your so close to that jackpot (for lootboxes that item you want) while forking over more money than you wanted is the EXACT SAME. They dont need to exist for a game to thrive and all it does is harm it.

Any confirmation of the movie being censored? i know rei is naked a bit (no bits are shown really) and it has that weird ass ending. I think there are 4 edits, a censored cut version, a censored version, an uncensored cut version, and an uncensored uncut version which is the only one ive seen.