You shouldn’t, you’re right. The unfortunate this is how many people actually do pay these bullshit fees and it’s all why the companies charge them. If gamers and consumers actually voted with their wallets, this shit wouldn’t happen anymore.
No I do not buy season passes, no I do not buy add-ons, no I do not buy…
“Oh Ubisoft” I friggin love Jim.
Easier to read:
I grew up on C&C games, and miss them dearly. I will not even entertain the thought of downloading and playing this. Fuck EA.
Based. Godspeed you limey bastard.
Basically they made a game that was never popular or successful enough to sustain itself financially without relying on being able to cut corners with regards to both service quality, and the privacy and security of their customers.
>>>>”...holy shit. People are this balls-slappingly stupid in real life?”
Came back to say thanks for introducing the series. Its hilarious to read. 😂
You have good taste in manga and I need to catch back up.
Roll tape. I was seated right in front of the flat-screen, the largest I’d ever seen. It only went on for two or three minutes, a highlights reel. The woman next to me, a mother of three, vomited, but didn’t hit me. A couple of other people tried to leave but they were blocked by the bailiff. Lots of gasps and…
Take it from a dev: 60 fps is NOT a gold standard, but an ideal to aspire to.
The need to support lower-end machines and mid-level machines are often what smothers the dream. I’m looking at all you fucking Bobs who somehow managing to run a top flight strategy game on fucking intel integrated graphics (and then crying…
Adding an Aeris lives “route” (or storyline) - 32.6 percent
This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.
That 92 dollar season pass is for new costumes that haven't come out yet... there's also a separate 92 dollar download that gives you all 300 some odd costumes that they have released as DLC through DOA5's 2 other previous iterations (which are all on LR's disc btw). All the disc version gets you is all the…
I cannot understand how you could say that. I'm not trying to argue, your certienly entitled to your tastes. That doesn't mean I can ever, in a million years, understand how you could say that.