bit late on this one, this polo sending you on a mission to another planet that is often filled with dozens and dozens of those communication things and all that has been done about 3 or 4 times already with the events that have been going on.
bit late on this one, this polo sending you on a mission to another planet that is often filled with dozens and dozens of those communication things and all that has been done about 3 or 4 times already with the events that have been going on.
Well according to cosplayers of cammy her outfit is actually very comfortable. The leotard is a gymnast style which gives you lots of movement, the huge boots are apparently really good for your feet when jumping around, the kneepads and or elbow pads are necessary for making hard lands and overall for what cammy does…
I read the headline and im thinking... does this really matter? most everyone has or will already buy it. Other than being 2 weeks ahead this wont do much. Hell i preordered the damn game months ago.
I only know her as dr girlfriend, unless her name changed as it went on.
Yeah it should be free to play, and able to grind cards and 20$ should be a one time collection of unique cards, and maybe extra game modes and offline stuff like a story mode plus a few starter packs and other stuff. AT THE VERY LEAST, thats still shitty.
Yeah itd be like paying 20$ to go into a bar but you cant enter the actual room without spending 5$ every time you sit down at a chair or get up to do something.
“To hopefully help with the questions that have been coming up about what you get for free after your initial $20 purchase”
As a furry myself I can tell you its not fact, and is only really ever called cringe from entitled children, the same ones that also hate on LGBTQ, brony fandom, or anything that would make them look uncool in front of their friends or parents (who in this case, are probably very strict or racists which bleeds into…
Cringe is just someone’s disability to handle secondhand embarrassment which in this case, is everyone else as sonicfox doesnt give a shit and neither do most of everyone at the events or anyone with any tact at all.
I put like 50 or 80 hours into ff13 i think, did you know you cant even get anyones final move until AFTER you beat the final boss? yeah the last few crystariums open up after that and a whole bunch of quests in that one, teeennny tinnnyy circular area a bit before the final area open up. I think they are little…
I dont HATE them, they just arnt very good final fantasy games. When you have so many great RPGS and even Tactics games under the final fantasy brand then you introduce 1 button combat down a single path.... I think the only people that like ff13 series havnt played the good final fantasies and think ff13 is good…
For those wondering, this game was supposed to be a launch game i think, its been cancelled and delayed like 3 times. It was supposed to use Microsofts AZURE tech and be always connected online and use the cloud to “render destruction”.
ff8 is FARRRRRRR better than the ff13 series. For instance it had some of the best soundtracks of all of final fantasy than the garbage(forgettable) music that is ff13. Ff13-2 was... okayish? wouldnt play through it again but I liked the smooth vibes. And lightning returns has its quirks.
yep, the entire website is a celebration of that, most people know of all the big boys but to me, is one giant gem of incredible games.
well the studio is staying open till 2019 from what the announcement says.. so i guess they are just gonna finish up on what’s left so its an early closure announcement. Like a 2 weeks notice sort of deal for work. I have the smash guide pre ordered as well, on TOP of having a few e-guides one of which i shouldn’t…
The problem is if you do that, the suits just can the studio and fire the staff and get investors on the next money making scheme, nobody wins except the suits. The game either sells its microtransactions and the customers pay, or the studio gets shitcanned and or forced to make another profit making microtransaction…
its probably not, its the idea of “upselling” making the low tier such a bad deal that it makes all the rest look like a “good deal” when none of it is a good deal.