
Ubisoft has been pushing this (in jim sterlings voice) “live services” for a long while. A lot of companies have, fortnite found a way to market to kids to get them to ask for money but other companies are obviously having a harder time. Companies with games like GTAV, and games like this which can be monetized to

I can tell you the game was actively booed on stage at blizzcon, so the game is 100% most likely a cashgrab since they are working with a mobile mmo company that already makes microtransaction mess diablo clones but now its official i guess.

Its still not great to force self censorship when other storefronts dont do this. You realize that if those games came out on the nintendo switch they wouldnt be censored? you know how bonkers it is that nintendo allows more than sony now?

Any game with lootboxes should be free to play anyway as far as im concerned, and I even own destiny 2 (got it during humble bundle)... its.. okay but It feels like im so limited unless you buy 100s of lootboxes or all the dlc.

hmm having only played the first witcher for a few hours, and seen pictures of him and seeing him in SC6, i say he can make a good geralt, really just add in the armor/outfit, some makeup and a hairstyle and he is good to go.

Hate on the game all you want, and its with warrant, they DID over promise and under deliver... but while it doesnt relieve them of that, they have been updating the absolute hell out of it lately for free. If you can pick it up for around 30$ i say its worth it now.

this happened with titanfall 2 (which btw, i feel was a pretty damn good game all things considered, even the campaign was better than expected) but you could get it on sale for like 25$ the week after it came out on black friday or something.

Now playing

When I see all of this, I think of this scene in RWBY

and for some addictions, this could make it worse as it can make it easier to say “just a few more boxes and im SURE to get this”

nevermind this one seems to be ps4 and pc only, sucks, well at least the switch doesnt seem to be on the censorship train right now so if it comes to that it most likely wont be censored.

I believe if its coming to Switch it wont be censored, its JUST the ps4 version not all console versions. this is a SONY ONLY thing right now, for this game.

I know in dead or alive 2 ultimate if you change the consoles name you lose all your save data as the save data no longer can see the console name and thinks the save file may have been moved/copied.

“please note not all games and applications for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita systems are guaranteed to support the online ID change, and users may occasionally encounter issues or errors in certain games”

exactly, if you can write an entire article based on what you think or dont think is grasping for money chances are its greedy as fuck. Like jim stirling said they dont want just SOME of the money, they want ALL of the money. They want to predotorize and introduce as many as possible to gambling addiction as possible

mostly likely, i know a lot of this tech was sold off to people and probably bought and resold until google got ahold of it and are now rebranding it again.

yeah, as someone who grew up in the 90s myself, retard and thats gay were basically social norm for things you didnt like. Honestly it was to the point that saying something was gay had literally nothing to do with LGBTQ it was just a phrase that was used like that. Its taken me nearly a decade to forcefully ween

FYI, this is a very old tech, fucking walmart had this at one point. I played a few demo’s through a browser through a few times. Not to mention Onlive which could be played in client and i think a browser. I wanna say this is 2010 tech if not a bit earlier.

occam’s razor says its just clearly meant to drive pre-order sales and literally nothing else. The suits in charge dont really care about the players feelings or the day to day drama of a situation.

found this:

yeah, after 1 second I could tell it was just, idk, video game physics being video game physics. Honestly, it didnt look too crazy and if it werent for the fact children play this game like mad im sure no one would have given a shit.