
Im only going by family experience here, as its what many members of my family would do, that or track down the person and shoot them. Here in kansas, especially in smaller communities you cant just fire a weapon at a house and run away without being tracked down.

Thats the point where you get a 50cal sniper rifle and hide out and wait for it to happen again and blow their damn heads off while they are inside their vehicle. (after you are sure they fired a shot first)

pretty sure you can’t say something is like, or better than an amiibo if it doesn’t have NFC, a nice figure is just a nice figure. Its nice ill give it that, the inkling girl is super cute, but no sure why the title and part of the article keeps insisting on the amii comparison with no nfc.

Ahh so this is why they are removing the other game from the store, to not have as much competition with itself. ID tried doing this with doom 3 and failed. It comes across as a bit shitty to remove your old stuff because you dont believe in your new product enough to stand on its own.

even if it wasnt overwatch related, its almost against the law to do such a big shoot without a deadpool cameo.

to be fair, you dont want to encourage the notion “to protest sexism, be sexist back” idea. Fighting hate with hate or fire with fire NEVER works and only will harm literally ANY cause you are fighting for. It never works, it never HAS worked, and far as i know, never will.

this article literally says its a spinoff idol unit... breast size is pretty important if you want to have something fitted for you. Its probably voice actress/ cosplay idol which is pretty common really. Maybe it should be explained thats why its there on the application but i dont see any mal-intent here.

maybe we can get a ff15 that actually runs more than 30fps on console? i know the ps4pro version is like 45 fps and xbox one x is 60ish? with frame drops i think. Even with good hardware PC version has frame drops so i hope to god that this mobile port at least hits 60 solid.

As someone who owns PUBG and dislikes fortnite, its sad to see a company with so much potential waste it on this bs. I do like how PUBG has less popularity now and not flooded with those trying to farm items to sell on the black steam market.

wut? that was the most “who cares?” title I’ve ever read I think. So a baseball guy(i hate baseball) played fortnite (which I also hate) and complained about a person I dont know about.

I always found it funny how often they had to austin powers censor jessie and her ridiculously short skirt.

yeah there is probably a catheter tube up the shaft of the penis, on top having a repressed drive and the ability for the suit to manage hormones i’d imagine. I’d imagine that even among a bunch of people banging in a room the chief wouldn’t even reach the mental stage of thinking to want to use his own. Im sure

I will say this is crying over spilt milk, but at the same time... the above pic does look visually appealing and im pretty sure its a VERY minor tax of gpu processing with todays cards. If the PS2 and Xbox could do this, im sure it wont cost much for a 2018 game using new graphics cards.

I love how the trailer pretty much spoils 90% of the game, not on purpose but its honestly a short game. If your quick, even someone like me can beat the game in just 1 or 2 hours.

Eneloops and a D4 charger. its what i have and its a GODSEND. 

Now playing

yeah its hilarious that the nintendo switch is getting sexier games than steam....

Funny story, twitch was one of the VERY FEW sites i disabled my uBlock Origin blocking on because I have prime and it (did) disable all ads so I could run into less issues with site scripting.

I suppose this is a case of phantom electronics than my instructor told us about. I have a networking degree myself in computer systems and networking from vatterott.

how do you fuck up lan? we’ve been doing this since dos or possibly even before microsoft dos.

One of the things i hate most when doing writings is when you read something(or watch something) and someone writes in the EXACT way you WOULD have written it. So when I do my curator news announcement posts, I sometimes have to twist shit and (at some points, even use a goddamn thesaurus) because I dont want to use