in a secret way, im kinda glad pubg is failing. that means there is a good chance the lootboxes will be dropped (unless they go the other way and over microtransaction it to hell like a starving leech) and the playerbase doesnt give as much a shit and that should kill some of the cheaters trying to farm shit to sell.…
81 hours in, still cant build one. 84 milestone and warped over 78 times so far. right now the scientist thing is bugged its stuck at scientist awaits at their terminal which for me doesn’t show cause its on my freighter(a bug), which is doubly bugged because the base computer missions for search archives is ALSO on…
you too? Im stuck on “aquire a circuit board” Aid the scientist to learn how to build a circuit board. I walk up to my scientist but he has nothing for me. atm im done with atlus for the most part i did the star seed thing. and trying one of the hardest things in this game... getting the fucking naturalist milestone…
81+ hours in here, dont know how to craft the buggy. Right now i’m stuck at base blueprints because it wants me to check the blueprints at my Freighter which has no base computer to check (which is a bug) and waiting for it to move over to a base that I can get a blueprint from.
I actually took off work to watch all of evo, and will get little sleep going into a workday after this SFV finale... what’s your excuse?
yeah, well sorta newish, as it was originally 8.6 for pack 4, 8.21 for pack 5 and 9.4 for pack 6.
I have to point this out that Dead or alive 3 and to a degree doa4 didnt really have THAT much sexualness going on. It was JUST DOA5 with all its lewd outfits and DOA1 (and doa2 ultimate with its lewd unlockables) that really pushed that.
theres a 6 wheeler? there is a sub? damn ive been playing this game for like 30 hours and never seen those. Got to admit, i heard this game was barren as fuck and decided to buy it to zen out on after the next update and its not bad. Some hiccups here and there. Yeah it was oversold as fuck but... ya know.
for a brief moment i almost lost complete faith in humanity until i read those.
I also have an issue where hot resistance exosuit upgrades turn out to actually be cold resistance and vice versa. I had to buy a sub zero upgrade to get a heat resistance module. Like itd say sub zero, and i press square and the card that shows up is the heat one... im like, wtf. I finally got the warp drive thing…
Mine sorta worked today when i tried it, weird, maybe do some quests like atlas stuff or hop a few systems and try it? idk what the fuck i did but for 2 days i couldnt warp now i can. maybe itll just, unfuck itself?
I have the same thing, not sure if its because i may be in a solar system that i cant warp without one of those additional warp drives like the red one which i think i do, unsure. Far as i can tell im doing it all correctly and its bugged.
ive tried that, ill try it again and see maybe I cant do it on the freighter? do i have to get on the smalle frigate? is that what i fueled? far as i know the giant freighter you can summon you can use to warp and for me, it says i cant. ill check in a bit and see if giving it a day or so fixed it.
Can anyone please tell me how to warp with a Freighter? (the big one) I have one, a B class, with a hyperdrive in its tech slot which is FULL 100% and juiced up and it wont let me warp, says its out of fuel.
On the flipside, turn 10 is removing crates from Forza Motorsport 7, and not have paid microtransactions (tokens) in Forza Motorsport 7 or Horizon 4
TL;DR guy acts like an asshole, gets reprimanded for it.
nah, there are always dozens of rom sites, in fact, i never even heard of these two rom sites and ive gotten roms before off many other sites. So honestly these are like, 2 of 50.
If you dont like ketchup on your hotdog your not american... seriously its like... THE condiment. That and mustard or some relish but i usually put all 3 on it. My fav hotdog is a beef hotdog, with ketchup, mustard and sweet relish.