
Also, whenever me and my old friend meet up the first thing we do is call each other assholes and fuckers before any hi or hello is said. thats what happens when youve known someone for like 15+ years heh.

To be fair, i think its what the grumps live for is to turn off someone who’s brand new and not used to it and hear that 30 seconds in and leave. So if you told that to arin in real life i think he would be overjoyed.

guess you dont know of the game grumps. Aren is pretty raunchy but its all in good fun. but if your offended at that then youd REALLY hate all the other things being said. also danny has a band called Ninja Sex Party.

So basically the live action portion of this sailor mooon angels thing is a what a live action version of winx club might look like if it was out years and years ago.

yeah but most people spent like 1000s on the first one, so by comparison 30$ is a lot cheaper than a 1000$ price tag. I know not everyone did spend that much, but the fact that you could to me brings the total price up on the experience to price per full experience paid.

The ps3 version of MN9 is nearly unplayable, its about 25fps at most times, and gets under 10fps and even hits 0fps (frame stutters) on the electric level. And at the time it was all I had since i got the PSN version.

Im a 60$ backer of mighty no. 9......

I havnt watched it yet, but i have a strong bias toward female leads, so while may be better to people, ill still probably prefer korra more. also i heavily ship korrasami (even got the comics because it has korrasami in it) you even see korra and asami kiss, and feels weird with nickelodeon logo on it.

leave it to kotaku to fuck up an entire point of the article by getting the title 100% wrong. Yeah, new broly. Have NO IDEA why they are saying “back to his old shit again” when the entire point of this movie is that its a new broly, re written.

Well its being written by akira, so yeah its canon. Also none of the older movies happened, this is a completely new broly and the first time the Z-fighters are meeting him. For all we know this broly could be a good guy! And probably will be, at the very least probably an asshole of sorts. Like if the fusion Vegito

Its completely re-written and this time by akira himself. None of the others are canon, kotaku writers are too stupid to look up basic facts before posting shit so the title of this article is 100% wrong. This is a 100% new broly, canon, and none of the other movies happened.

That and hes been re-written from the ground up. Looks to be some sort of nordic warrior this time.

Possibly, we will see but this is technically the first time he has appeared. Movies never happened and this broly is re-written from the ground up. Hell he may even be a good guy. This article’s title is pretty wrong all things considered.

Well, in super Kale’s form was considered to be the true form of a saiyan. So same will go for broly, I know they have unique abilities that other super saiyan forms do not have.

Broly just wasnt a legendary super saiyan, I think he was the FIRST super saiyan. And its been canonized that broly’s form is considered to be the “true form of a saiyan”as kale was in Dragonball Super.

Yeah its a do over, with input from akira this time, i doubt this broly will have any similarities to the previous one. They managed to write Kale decently well without her needing to have bracers or whatever.

The title of this article is about as wrong as you can figuratively get.

EVERYTHING is a fetish, or CAN be a fetish.

I dont REALLY think that can be misconstrued. its pretty clear its not trying to be anything like that, though maybe they though because of the negative monkey connotations on top was too much? I personally feel you can self censor TOO FAR and end up just making something worse rather than better.