
well thats just the crates that require the $2.50 to open, the ones that dont still are worth something i think. at anyrate I hate crates alltogether and random shit. just give me a $ amount and call it good. Why cant we have a “this outfit is 5$” and call it good? I know why, because fake currency hides the real

lootboxes, and steam. Thats why, if you can hack and get some quick crates you can make a quick buck. Its all about the money and because its basically gambling anyway and makes a lot of money they dont want to stop doing it. Fortnite while still rather shitty in its microtransaction bs (25$ for a single outfit JUST

doesnt this show have like, mulitple orgies? is that in the game?

I only have 1900 subs and I have memberships (was called sponsored). I think it also has other things like years active, viewcount or being part of certain MCN’s. (multi-channel networks) so the 100,000 sub count is wrong, at least in knowledge that it isnt the only metric that unlocks it.

yeah you can export to youtube or save the entire streams or parts of them as a highlight on twitch (which saves it forever). on twitch, if left alone they disappear. Dunno why they dont just add a checkbox option to just save forever but no, you have to manually select the entire stream and save it as a highlight,

I often stream with 0 viewers, but i dont mind, I use restream to stream to twitch, mixer and youtube and the youtube one gets saved so even if no one watched it then, its archived in full as a playthrough on youtube people can watch later if they care.

Pretty sure that there is at least 20 cosplayers for about ANY anime/video game woman that prove that comment false. (the sweet summer child comment)

It should be noted if it wasnt already but Ivy tends to have a fully clothed outfit.

Clumsy butt fun.

honestly i prefered the bottom left body (from the first twitter pics) then the twig to the right. Why would you get rid of a nice hourglass figure? losing weight is fine just dont lose ALL of it.

Least ya coulda did was repost the sample screenshots. Seems to be yet another arena fighter, i just want 2.5 fighters like dragonball fighterz, why is that so hard? 3D Arena fighters are always wonky and slightly janky.

Aaaannnndddd I just came.

you either get viewers or you dont, but at the end of the day you have to do it because you like it, or else if you dont like it and chase it and get popular, your stuck doing something you dont like.

yeah ive been streaming for years, i have 3/4 checkmarks for affiliate but cannot get that 3 active users on average. you either get viewers or dont, not really any middle ground unless you WERE popular and fell off, those people hang around 150ish viewers.

You can tell this post is one of those “sponsorship” posts. No sane person would say this is fun and try to upsell it.

they make FUCKLOADS of money, not even normal loads but FUCKLOADS.

The real question is what is bungie planning to put in loot boxes to entice players to buy the dlc to get.

I love how people here on kotaku bitch about something non descriptive and then use that statement to bitch at with their very heavy handed and VERY presumptuous arguments.

everyone did, hell even i didnt watch it. it has no reason to be watched unless they get their shit together.

ah, I didnt play the DLC, i knew it had another female character with her i guess she developed a relationship with her. Which i wasnt surprised.